Coronavirus - Close the Airports

401 new cases is a lot.

You seem to be struggling with how this works. The Kimmage thread has you shook.


It’s probably about 5 times that number of new cases in reality, if that makes you feel any better

Totally, mate. I’m in absolute meltdown. Frothing at the mouth here.

The surge has never arrived due to the lockdown.

Two more weeks is a long time so numbers should have fallen back a bit more. They’ll need the testing, containment and tracking infrastructure set up to ease restrictions but will have to ease them a bit from may and people will have to accept some deaths from that. The challenge is how long can we devote our entire hospital system to this. Waiting lists for elective surgeries must be getting longer and longer and that cannot go on indefinitely either.

Sweden numbers look good today despite no lockdown.


Be interesting to see how those who have relaxed restrictions go this week

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What’s the appropriate response to 401 (not 4 or 40,001) cases?

It’s good news as it shows the measures are working. The deaths, hospital and ICU admissions are arguably more important numbers.

Very much so.

I’d expect a rise but hopefully it’s manageable. If it’s not, we have a big issue. We can’t stay locked down forever but how do we open up during a surge? This is where the politicians will show their worth

You can travel 2001 metres from your house to buy groceries. A plaice odyessy.

Can’t wait to go to a different Tesco

Every little bit of diversion helps.

May they rest in peace

Cases number is irrelevant. It means nothing because we don’t know how many are assymptomatic, not getting tested etc
Deaths number is worrying, but that’s a lagging number it could take a good few weeks for it to fall, as it takes time for people to die.
Depending on different estimates with limited antibody tests so far, that many deaths could mean well over 250,000 people have it or have had it.

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Cases are not irrelevant to the pattern. It still given you a pattern.

The spatial analysis has been conducted on a regional scale and combined with the number of death cases taken from 66 administrative regions in Italy, Spain, France and Germany. Results show that out of the 4443 fatality cases, 3487 (78%) were in five regions located in north Italy and central Spain. Additionally, the same five regions show the highest NO2 concentrations combined with downwards airflow which prevent an efficient dispersion of air pollution. These results indicate that the long-term exposure to this pollutant may be one of the most important contributors to fatality caused by the COVID-19 virus in these regions and maybe across the whole world.

Fucking NO2, even when it was the BCG injection, I knew it was you

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77 is an awful spike. What’s the story there?

Deaths from the previous 2 weeks that hadn’t been counted.

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