Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Excluding micro nations?

San Marino fucking hell.

Yknow, apart from the deaths, theyā€™ve nearly for this thing beat.

Itā€™s ā€œonlyā€ 30 deaths and has been stablised at that for a good while.

My favourite micro nation.

Godā€™s revenge on them for killing Senna.

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Do we have recovery stats?

Iā€™m tracking us versus the Danes on this one.

  • the first case on the island of Ireland was Feb 27th and it was the same there
  • we have a similar population size although they are about 12% bigger
  • we began to shut down on the same date (March 12th)
  • our death rate so far is pretty much the same though we are slightly better than them
  • they have/had 153 in ICU, we have/had 148
  • we have 177 more cases than them but a factor in that will be that we have tested more per head of pop. They had conducted 35.5k tests as of yesterday where as we had conducted 30.2k cases by the 30th, rolling forward at 1.5k tests (though I think they said it was more yesterday), weā€™d be up to 34.7k. 12% lower population here so when you add that that would be an equivalent of 38.9k there. Thatā€™s around an extra 500 cases they should have at a 15% positive rate so weā€™d be pretty much level

We are very very close together.

They are continuing to talk about exiting a lockdown after Easter, with phased reopenings. We of course will have differences in infrastructure and capacity but on the trend weā€™re on and with the continued scaling up of activities, I donā€™t see why we canā€™t at least discuss some phased reopenings on the 19th (which would be a week after them).



Excluding countries beginning with S.

The large group of Danes that went to Cheltenham have fucked them.





So what you are saying is Denmark & ourselves are headed for yet another draw?


My only remaining hope is that we beat the UK on deaths per capita.

Denmark arenā€™t letting anybody in or out are they? Flights are grounded.

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They have better cycling lanes

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This suggests relative weight of people:

  1. Density
  2. Proximity
  3. Numbers

Far more important than initially thought.

If true this greatly influences our ā€œexit strategiesā€ on Coronavirus ie. no immediate return to mass public transport or mass sport/cultural events etc.

This has many other implications:

It suggests that lockdowns could be actually far more successful than previous hopes BUT that various pre lockdown practices should be delayed as long as possible - potentially till 2021.

Note this is based on current German thinking.

In other words - societies need to think about not just shortterm containment of virus but on changing medium term practices.

If this research holds up expect to see incentivising home working + slower phased return to public events than previously thought over next 2 years.

This research also seems to confirm why London has remained so far ahead of rest of the UK in Coronavirus cases.

Itā€™s the one place where human density, numbers & proximity could not be mitigated so easily by individual actions until the lockdown.
Same applies to New York.

This would seem to provide an explanation as to why Cheltenham was so much more dangerous than the Liverpool-Madrid gameā€¦even tho Madrid fans came from CV hotspot.

It was mixed mass nature of Cheltenham that was so dangerous not the mere presence of some infected people.


So youā€™re saying the virus will spread easier if loads of people are in the same place at once?


Yet there isnā€™t much corona virus in cheltenham/Gloucester yet Liverpool is on the verge of becoming one of the worst hit places in the ukā€¦

Just listening to Sean O Rourke on the wireless
Collette Browne (journo) wanted Leo in the Dail answering questions from the like of Boyd-Barrett and some FF clowns

Leo is busy trying to save the country, he doesnā€™t have time to listen to some loud mouths looking for attention

I switched over to lyric fm


I donā€™t think they are? Theyā€™re only allowing in freight and citizens I thought.

That would make an impact but at the same time you are still going to have Danes with no symptoms flying in. That will slow it down a bit more than allowing everyone in but thatā€™s it.

We arenā€™t going to be able to eradicate the spread without a lot of luck. Itā€™s down to controlling it out in realityā€¦