Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Wimbledon ish - your a straight run to Heathrow too if thats any comfort!

Population and demographic wise in your area cant be too bad e.g. parks , people shopping and exercising etc.

It will end ; stay safe.


If the EU were functional they would be fighting this the way the US is. The lads in Brussels would be helping each country based on need, rushing resources to where the hot spots are, having a coordinated financial response and providing liquidity to markets, sourcing needed materials like PPE and ventilators to back up supplies in individual countries.

Look at the help New York is getting from the Federal government, even though they have a massive state budget. Allowing this get out so of hand in Italy and Spain is a stain on the EU, and one they should never be allowed forget. They have proven themselves to be a useless sideshow.

Thatā€™s very broadā€¦ What powers exactly are you waiting for them to use?

Personally I think itā€™s more than reasonable to have certain barriers to membership. Iā€™d be throwing out two particular members right now if I had my way because theyā€™re trying to bring the whole thing down from the inside. Iā€™d be more than happy to take in the likes of Ukraine, Bosnia, Serbia and Georgia though. Not Turkey, because they are run by a despot.

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cheltenham is going to be proven to be the biological time bomb that was Atlanta v Valencia. It ill overwhelm the HSE. Ireland is facing a very serious challenge over those cunts that went there despite the expert medical advice

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Spurs v Cheltenham

There have to be barriers to ensure entry of course, I just think the barriers that exist now are too strict and itā€™s a closed shop. The more members there are, the stronger a union.

Trump is refusing to help Michigan and Washington because their governors wonā€™t fellate his ego. That kind of ā€œhelpā€?

Michigan voted for Trump. Some kick in the arse for those gullible septugenarians who voted for him. ā€œLet them die!ā€

Hi Sid

I have not read the barriers to entry chapter in the Lisbon Treaty. My own view is that there is no reason to bar the way of any country which is committed to liberal democracy and the basic rules of the single market.

The Arab nations and the Africans should form similar power blocs.

All out war tonight between the mother and adult son tonight.

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Whoā€™s this utter scum?

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Common sense prevails

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Europe Europe Europe


RTE news open with the measures and retail update oh and by the way 14 people have died

Heā€™s a Traveller.

Hi yourself, is that for @eoghanruadha ,@Tassotti or both in the wonderful world of E Personas?

Lads when was the last death in the country due to a road accident?
