Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


Any news on a vaccine yet?

The guilt was dripping off Coveney when questioned about it during Cheltenham. They introduced the measures straight after those selfish cunts got back.

The pubs didn’t close till the Sunday night. More revisionism.

Some positive results with antibodies and using serum to help people.

An approved vaccine unless sped through regulatory processes is a while off I’d say

They closed the schools and brought in the social gathering limit.

Selfish cunts and greedy publicans decided to crowd the pubs.

Another treacherous act

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Agreed pubs were packed Sunday evening after it was announced they’d be closing.

Apologies if this has been asked before, but there are thousands of posts on this thread and I’m not reading back through them. If there have been 98 deaths in the country to date and just 14 of those deaths have been of people who were in intensive care, where did the other 84 people die? I’d have thought that if a person was extremely sick with the illness they’d have been brought to hospital, and if their lives were at risk in hospital they would be brought into intensive care. Anybody able to answer this?

Nursing Homes.

Social gatherings were restricted on the Friday. Could the horsey boys go straight home? Nah, the diseased cunts went straight to the pub putting more people at risk.


Sure there was meant to be nobody in pubs anyway. Anybody that was in the pubs Saturday and Sunday whether you were in Cheltenham or not hasn’t a leg to Stand on.

We’ll be grand.

Surely the aids ridden cunts can be traced?

Just follow the trial of cocaine powder, broken bottles and fake tan hand-prints.

I doubt we’d go too far wrong if we locked up every Cheltenham go’er on the grounds of treason.

The government should have at least issued a travel advisory prior to Cheltenham and they should have definitely told people to isolate on return. Pfizer’s wouldn’t allow people in to work who’d been at Cheltenham, apparently.

They should have also known that if the pubs were left open, people would flock to them.

Pubs should have been closed when the schools were.

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They should also be closed without warning to avoid a crowd coming in for one last drink. McDonald’s made a big song and dance about closing up and probably made a fortune as people queued for one last Big Mac.

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Announce they’re closed and wont be opening tomorrow. Done

McDonalds should be boycotted and RTE should be admonished for reporting that mcdonalds would be closing their doors the next day at 7.30. As if that’s fucking newsworthy

Dr Tony said this evening that for a lot of the patients going to ICU would not have been of any benefit to them. By the sounds of it many of them were terminal with other illnesses or were confined to nursing homes and moving from there would have caused more harm than good.

How in the name of fuck has it gotten in to nursing homes so bad