Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Grandmother of a good mate of mine in work passed away this morning due to this cunt of a yoke. She started coughing yesterday morning. Got it from the carer who was helping her with her husband. Carer didnā€™t even know she had it until after the lady had died. Carer may have unknowingly passed it onto 10-15 other elderly people. Itā€™s nuts altogether.


I pissed myself laughing when I read this post.

Plasterers. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

You were missed when you were away, old friend.


Imagine the fucking guilt of that for someone who was doing no more than trying their best in their lowly paid under appreciated job. Ffs


Did you see the start of the Late Lateā€¦ We paid the bat eaters over 100m for defective ppe. They gave us the virus then robbed usā€¦

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We cancelled home help three weeks ago to try and avoid this scenario.


Heā€™s the best in the business by a distance.

All sorted @Mac, lockdown over

How many of the deaths, as a percentage, have occurred in nursing homes?

Things going well in India as doctors get attacked by a mob:

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Iā€™m devastated for the workers who have been handed the Chinese shit PPE but on another hand I love saying I told you so to everyone celebrating and making a big deal of the flight to china. Buy chinese expect to get shit.


You can see why the Indian doctors come over here in fairness.

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Weā€™ve curried favour with them with our promise that thereā€™s only a 10% chance theyā€™ll be attacked while working in A&E on a Saturday night. They like those odds.


We did the same. Auld lad cocooned over a month save for weekly appointments in Ardkeen.


Great leadership.

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Even the woman doing the sign language is giving him the two fingers.

Why is COVID-19 killing so many southern Europeans and not killing so many Vikings?

Italy 14k dead, Spain 11K dead, France 6.5K dead. OK big populations, average 55 million. Roughly 200 dead per million population. The Vikings (Denmark, Sweden, Norway), roughly 20 million population combined, 560 deaths, 28 deaths per million.

OK thereā€™s roughly 2X more people confirmed infected per million of population in southern Europe compared to Viking nations, but what the fuck else is going on? Is this more evidence that the number actually infected is huge?

Or is my math fucked up @anon78624367?

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Social distancing is the norm in Scandinavia, unlike Southern Europe. Tourism is rampant in Italy/Spain, unlike Scandinavia. Italians apparently have poor personal hygiene.

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Just spoke to one of my teachers there, she said it was only a matter of time before her Mother-In-Law would die from COVID in New York. Husband canā€™t go back as he wonā€™t be able to return to Singapore, no one in allowed to see her anyway and no point Skyping as she isnā€™t aware of what is going on as she is on morphine. Horrendous situation with no closure for the family.

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I think now more than ever we need to pray.