US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

It doesn’t. Provide evidence to back up your original claim.

The crossover is 15%.

20% when you include those overall who won’t vote for Biden and effectively elect Trump.

At 15%, that is a rounded 1 in 5 Bernie supporters who have racist tendencies according to you.


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I asked you to back up your claim.

You still haven’t done so.

It would be really easy to do so. There’s a thing called the quote function.

Yet you can’t do it.

It’s worse than that, 20% of Bernie supporters say they will vote for Trump if Biden is the candidate. No irony there.

Go to bed Pampers, you’re out of your depth. Still, that makes four of you.

And not one of you laying a glove.

Go easy tim…the socialist is at a low ebb- he’s having to manage without staff.

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Ooh, classy.

You know they’re rattled when they start bringing this stuff up.

What claim? You said the minority of Sanders voters who will vote for Trump had racist tendencies. I just provided the number of Sanders voters who will vote for Trump, that’s tabs with your minority statement. A rounded 1 in 5 of Bernie supporters have racist tendencies according to you.

I called the ones who won’t vote for Biden as the whiny loony left, that’s my statement on the matter, I didn’t say they had racist tendencies. You did.

Still no evidence and claiming a victory :joy: try again there. Back up that statement you made. Tim’s article doesn’t help you I’m afraid.

What stuff?

A tweet to Una Mullally is on the way.

You said that I said that Sanders voters who won’t vote for Biden are racist.

I didn’t say that.

I’m asking you to quote where I said that.

You’ve been offered numerous chances to put up or shut up and you still haven’t done so.

You just brought up my personal situation. Classy as ever. Not.

It’s also a dead giveaway that you’re genuinely seething at having rings run around you here.

It’s all there from you. You said the crossover had racist tendencies and were a minority. I merely padded out your anecdotal opinion gleaned from browsing Twitter at 3am with a percentage based on polling. It appears that your statement that it is a minority is correct (15%). It’s your opinion that nearly 1 in 5 Bernie Sanders supporters are racist.

What do I know about your personal situation other than you had a home help?

Doesn’t take much imagination to work out what you’d put in a tweet to Una, does it.

Keep digging.

What would I say to her?

You still haven’t backed up your claim.

You’ve had about seven or eight posts now where it would have been extremely easy to drop in the quote of what you claimed.

And still you can’t do it.