Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

You’ll have people going mad when they realise the HSE is after burning through a billion quid in ppe, tests, extra beds, extra ventilators, extra staff and then the peak passes without widespread carnage.

I’ve the angry tone for my call to Joe Duffy ready

Aldi is great for processed meats (Jack McCarthy puddings are the best you’ll ever get) and their Ardagh cheddar is fabulous for the price, I’d go with lidl for fruit, their premium oranges and mandarins are like fruit used to taste, my kids are stone mad for what I’d consider fancy fruits, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, passion fruit, you know what I mean and they rarely eat sweets so we indulge that, Lidl do really good fruit

All of the lads here who were hoping for thousands to die just so they could be right on the INTERNET (@Thomas_Brady has a complete list of them) will be gutted if we’ve peaked already

Just a word of caution on those figures, they are based on hospital / ICU admissions.
Where we are likely to see the most deaths over the next week is outside of that environment as they deal with the clusters in nursing homes.

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Open the pubs

Ireland has passed its peak of Covid-19 infections but can expect more than 400 deaths by August, according to forecasts based on new international modelling data published on Tuesday.

Peak resource use of hospital and ICU beds passed on April 4th, while peak daily deaths passed on April 6th, according to the data published by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington in the US.

The research looks at the predicted spread and impact of coronavirus in 29 European countries and assumes social distancing measures will remain in place until August.


It’s hard to know what to make of the numbers at the moment. As of today we were tested two weeks ago and are still waiting for a result. I tans my GP this morning to see if they had heard anything of could advise who to call. She said there was no one they knew of to call and 14 days was not unheard of to be waiting for a result. The numbers that actually have any real meaning in my opinion are the number of deaths and the number in ICU.

The B, the B, the BCG


When the pubs open there are going to have to be social distancing rules in place. Only a certain amount of people let into the pub at any given time, and you would imagine some sort of policing to ensure that people stay away from each other as the night progresses. Coppers will have to remain closed I suspect.

Agreed, the fun is gone out of the lockdown now. Is there a movement or campaign we can sign up to?

We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Impractical, impossible and utterly unpolicable

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Then they’ll stay closed until after August.

There was a lot to be said for having the parish priest patrolling the dances. Anyone who got too close got a belt of his cane.


Weren’t they some fuckers too.

No they’ll be open by July. The show must go on

I didnt hear of anyone dying of Corona virus in the 60s?

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Of course you don’t. You just told us you shops in Tesco.

True - and people could live their lives as normal.

I wonder what the much maligned Vintners Federation are up to these days? I would imagine that they are looking to get the pubs open again as soon as possible and the only way to do that is through social distancing measures.