Coronavirus - Close the Airports

It’s Celtic Vs rangers mate. Nothing else matters

A 6+ week wait for the fair deal approval is hard going.

There’s the transitional funding in fairness.

There is but getting any more than 2 weeks takes a big fight or a sympathetic medic

There is a chance, however small, that your kids may not wish to have you killed.

The University of Washington were just a bit out.

Not that they aren’t out, but given the differences in Corona death definitions, it seems very difficult to actually get this anyway right.

Two healthcare workers from St Lukes Kilkenny confirmed to have passed away from Covid 19, god rest them.

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GOD championing the constitution

Tragic. We need to do better for Health Care Workers and those in nursing homes

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One of them from Ballyragget

Two people who devoted their lives to saving the lives of others are dead while two people who have devoted their lives to ruining the lives of others remain alive.

There isn’t much justice in the world.

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What sort of age?

Yer man with the plastic bag on his head ain’t happy

Do people have to pay to listen to his podcasts?

I don’t think they could ever attract enough sponsors.

Over 6k patrons though, surely that gets them by?

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30k a month?? What’s the deal here how much of that would blindboy be seeing?
I see the second captains lads have 12k patrons

Not sure what tiers they have there.

They don’t seem to have bothered to post much exclusive content there.

I have sympathy for the arts sector (though not like Una Mullally who told everyone work was a buzzkill when businesses were closing down until she realised it was hitting her artist friends), but surely their form of entertainment is relatively unscathed. They don’t rely on sports or entertainment specifically for their pods and talk shite about everything and anything & they can record anywhere.

Imagine paying to listen to his faux ‘philosophical’ musings :smiley:

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Blind boy records many of his podcasts live. Its 30quid to see him do his podcast in vicar st. (If that doesn’t ‘wake’ you, I don’t know what would). Anyway, I’m sure he’s entitled to say he’s financially devastated missing out on that income.