Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Its still unprofessional. In most well run organisations when a person leaves or an email is changed there is a facility created by IT to forward on the email or you will get an automatic reply. SImples.

Sweep, sweep

SF IRA need to step back here. This is not the student union.

Thicc thighs save lives

This thread is fairly mental. I watched a video the other day by a doctor in New York (the video is contained in the thread) which basically said that medics are treating the wrong illness here - theyā€™re treating for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) when they should be treating for HAPE (High Altiditude Pulmonary (o)Edema) aka Altidude Sickness, and that ventilators are actually killing people off rather than saving them.

As Iā€™m not an expert I canā€™t say whether this is true, but if it does turn out to be true the medical profession could be in a HAPE of trouble.

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Brave Regina has decided to do the State some service in a time of national crisis. SF IRA who shied away from government and are now attacking this woman. The bullying doesnā€™t stop

Do you know what sid i 100% agree with you. One of the upsides of this is not listening to people blowing about their big holidays, weekends away etc while i barely have enough to keep going.


Jesus people are idiots.


Thats a clamping

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For mental health issues in Irish men?

I think someone stuck up the automatic reply a few posts back mate.

Sheā€™s sending out thousands of emails daily as per Choco, she canā€™t be expected to read the replies

Yes. Irish men have always had mental health issues. Nothing new there

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Thereā€™s a real smell of ā€œIā€™ve done my job, someone elses problem nowā€ about this wan. Is she FG as well?

Croom may be a shithole but this place in the pic looks like a far bigger shithle

Iā€™ll ask the Easter bunny

An unbelievable exercise carried out there. 100% of shills responded as expected. You have to admire the consistency.