Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Incorrect. Our approach of community testing and trace is far more aggressive than The Brits. They’ve resigned to seeing what rocks up at A&E.

Also, is there any sense that there is teeth to Boris “lockdown” or is it just a stronger plea.

I’d far prefer to be here than there

The Germans seem to be the only one’s handing this correctly. Time to finally grant them their wish and put them in charge?

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Queensland is shutting its borders, to other parts of Australia. That’s mad.

What will be much more damaging to people’s mental health is seeing bodies leaving hospitals in army trucks.

I’ve always been quite clear about this. Draconian lockdown measures were always going to come in anyway. The point is you do it as soon as possible. Trying to balance the economy with public health in this situation is a fool’s game, because the public health crisis will always end up being worse as a result, which damages the economy far more anyway.

They have the highest rate of ICU beds per head of population, which doesn’t hurt.

Leo is like Klopp. He’s playing to a plan. Just because BoJo is 3-0 down with ten to go and has now thrown his goalkeeper up front we need to stick to our plan which may involve a full lockdown as was always said but at the right time

Pity it’s not permanent

Think we had border checks up to the 70s

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You’re saying if there was a national gov Mary Lou would stop pulling “look at me I’m relevant” stunts like today?

Trust me said the scorpion to the frog …

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Fine Gael are open to having a national or unity government. Just as long as it doesn’t include the biggest party on the island by a distance.


The Germans had like 6 times more ICU beds per head of population coming into this than we did. It’s a wonder we are alive at all even outside the crisis

That’s me done. Just got the email from work there. We report into the UK. They’ve pulled us all off the road from this evening.


What’s incorrect? Ireland has handled the crisis better up to 8:30pm tonight but has still been far too slow in applying lockdown.

The Brits do now have more draconian lockdown measures than us.

The ideal is to have aggressive testing with those draconian lockdown measures. The two pronged approach.

My mate is over there. Needs a note from work to go into the office.

How many per 100,000? The UK has somewhere between 3.5 - 7.4.

The US which apparently has a shit health care system has 20-32 per 100,000, the highest in the world and 4x the EU average.

I haven’t been following Australia in detail. Are they doing it because they are fucked, or because everywhere else is fucked and they are grand?

I’m not trying to balance the economy mate. Full lockdown is simply unsustainable in the long run.

It needs to be done at the right time, not as early as possible. Incremental measures.

Full lock down now, before we have hit a high sustained growth is reckless

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Glad to hear it mate. Seemed a bit mad you were still out and about.


Your new project is managing conflict in the household

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How much of the US’s capacity is private beds? Not having a go, genuine question. Will US insurers get absolutely cleaned out by this?

29.2 per 100k