Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Incremental restrictions at the right time.

A full lockdown is a panic button

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Agreed. That’s what we have been doing and in fairness they have flagged each step along the way.

You could shut public transport, close petrol stations to enforce a lock down but that would not be acceptable I think to most people

Yeah but we know full well from everywhere else that they won’t and the public are not buying into them like they need to because the bodies are not leaving the hospitals in army trucks yet.

The precautionary principle is at work here too. Prevention (or giving yourself the best possible shot at prevention), not cure.

Varadkar should have been announcing further measures last week.

I suppose the question is what would a full lockdown get us that we aren’t getting already? I mean I can’t really get anymore locked down, bar not going for a walk, and I’d imagine 90% of people are the same.

That other 10% are obviously morons and I’m not sure they’ll do anything majorly different whatever happens. We can use these people to test new treatments on.

The case to give us a chance to prepare better is a fair one. The major problem seems to be staffing though and another month or two won’t do anything for that really. Apparently ICU nurses need years to get to the required level.

The UK broke with us (and with all rational ideas it would seem) not the other way around. They’ve fucked themselves and now have to shutdown to try and repair the damage. We didn’t make the same mistake so not sure it makes sense to shutdown for marginal gain just for the sake of it.

I don’t think we are far off lockdown anyway, but if we can delay it by a week or so then the differences in terms of our economy (and sanity) will be massive.

Our complete lack of public transport and our generation after generation of ribbon development might be our saving grace


We don’t know full well. We’re following the south Korean model and they’re doing well.

We are nowhere near full lockdown yet.

Most jobs are to be fair

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That and the fact that I don’t believe a full lockdown can be sustained for a long period of time. A couple of weeks possibly, particularly if it’s in the context of daily news of high levels of deaths.

If you go to early you squander some of that time

The SF super fans here now want to follow Britain.

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There is significant buy-in in this country to the measures taken so far. Some on here that have been furiously slating Boris now want us to copy what he’s doing


He had to do it. We don’t.


The super fans were calling for these measures long ago.

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To be fair Sinn Fein have been consistent in their desire to destroy the country’s economy, ever before this crisis


Holland is looking fucked

Well, we have over twice the per capita published infection rate the Brits do (and yes I am aware their infection rate is a lot higher than the published figures).

All sorts of soft power will be brought to bear on the Irish government to match the British measures. An all-island response has always made sense anyway. Before this evening everybody here was complaining that it was the Brits that would screw us. Now our measures are more lax.

Look, FF and SF were grandstanding in unison together today. It’s within their power to replace the gov in the morning and ignore the CMO advice as they like.

Easier to grab a headline though.


We are stronger together

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If there was an election in the morning Leo would be back with a majority and Simon Harris would be running Ryanair and the health service


Agreed. They’re in full on panic mode, both because they’re way further down the track than us but also politically after the stories over the weekend.

They haven’t been testing.

We are following a model very few EU countries have followed.

There is a case for going into a full lockdown, but i don’t think it is time yet.

It is going to be very damaging to mental health, general health and peoples money. That’s in priority order


Why not form a national gov and have everyone on the same page?