Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Everybody is guessing and second guessing about the relative impact of suppression and mitigation efforts. I would say all governments knew from early March how this would progress and are trying to balance measures versus the public response and their ability to keep their populations fed at least.

If ye want to do a depressing deep dive, thatā€™s the place to do it.

Our measures of testing and tracing may avoid the need for full lockdown completely added to the social distancing measures which in the main have been adhered to. It gives us a chance mate. We just need to keep the curve down.

My opinion is itā€™s too early but Iā€™m not qualified to say if thatā€™s right or wrong. You could be right.

Either way Iā€™ll do what Iā€™m told

What a time to be North Korean.

Get a life.


The Blueshirts are getting testy when it becomes more obvious they have fucked this one up.

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There was a shot of people who presented with symptoms in North Korea in the first few weeks and he just murdered them all and burned their bodies. That seems to have done the trick. Itā€™s the kind of decisive leadership Leo needs to show

Can we not just close Tipperary. That would sort it out here and in the UK

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U ok bro?

of all the political persons posturing during this, FG are having a go at Mary Lou for speaking her mind on the news. First it was where are SFā€¦ Now itā€™s SF are playing at populism. You literally couldnā€™t make it up.

Weā€™ve had Fuck up after Fuck up from Leo but because he quoted Winston Churchill heā€™s supposedly doing a great jobā€¦ The selfish, selfserving cunt. If he was any good heā€™d stop playing political games and start playing at doctor.


I donā€™t believe they will. I fully support aggressive testing but it is not a panacea, it is one line of attack, and what Iā€™ve seen over the last couple of days suggests to me we fully need a proper lockdown because enough people are not taking things seriously enough to warrant it.

Our very low rate of ICU beds is another reason why we need to be ultra aggressive, using every line of attack we can.

You said yourself we are guessing. We are. In a guessing situation, you canā€™t wait to see were you correct, because the consequences if you arenā€™t are huge.


U ok bro?

Iā€™m ace. Iā€™m watching Brady take a shite. CC @TheUlteriorMotive

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The inverse is also true.
The consequence of every decision is huge.

Good stuff. We need to support each other (by arguing past each other). Itā€™s the TFK way :muscle:

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Lock in down to fuck.


He learned that from Tony Blair 2001

The consequences of an under reaction are much greater than the consequences of an over reaction.

The desired reaction at the end of all this is for people to say the government over reacted.

Now that the Tans are locked down I think we need to reopen the schools and pubs.


Letā€™s hope your biased predictions about FG and Covid 19 are as hopelessly wrong as your Klopp should be sacked predictions.