Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I rearranged the seating in our booths yesterday and fucked two chairs out of the break room too

Wearing my cynic hat (not literally) I could suggest that the only reason we have not gone into full LOCKDOWN is because we havenā€™t a hope of enforcing it.

Doing it effectively would mean punishing people who break it, arrests, resources etc.


Stay strong guys xo

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The Germans taking in patients from France and Italy.

Redemption for their Nazi shame.

I was going to say I salute them but that would be wrong. I applaud them. :clap:


Great stuff.

If the Irish government did that thereā€™s lads on here would burn down the hospitals

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The Germans are trying to redeem themselves from their Nazi past.

The staters need to do the same with Northern nationalists.


Surely the NHS is better prepared than us.


New Zealand was one of the few that had this under wraps, then boom ---- 53 new cases today. It just shows, thereā€™s no stopping this thing, just slowing. The Chinese had 87 new cases also.

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In the north? No ā€” Theyā€™ve one Catholic ventilator and one Protestant one per hospital.


A lot of it is luck really.

Heā€™s Dunning-Kruger 101. You just know heā€™ll end up completely self-combusting before long as he keeps getting continually proved wrong, as he has been throughout. Heā€™s living in a fantasy land and needs medication for anger management, which is problematic as thereā€™s a lot of other medication he needs to get off first.

ScoMo due to speak in the next hour after an emergency meeting of the cabinet. We could be looking at following BoJo, or at least some escalation of restrictions.

More as I get itā€¦

The Catholic one doesnā€™t work either.

It does work, it just abstains from these royal institutions.

That was kind of the point on the travel ban, it only works for so long.

Thereā€™s videos of people collapsing in Indonesia now as they arenā€™t testing and going about as normal.

Whatever about the French in recent history, the Italians have plenty of their own shame shared with their old Germans buddies.

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