Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

No no news yet. It’s private but with negotiations on going with the hospitals, I fear that it could get the long finger. Tbh honest and this may sound selfish, that’s why I was hoping for a full lockdown in the hope that it might slow the bastard down and they’d squeeze me in


My iptv man just uploaded outbreak on vod

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Superb :joy:

Freudian slip?


I trimmed my beard myself yesterday. This could quickly become a real issue

Not selfish at all pal. I can only imagine it’s stressful enough at best of times without this added on top.

My wife’s mate called her last night after the op. Very upset and no visitors allowed. There’s a price being paid by people for all this preparation by people with other health concerns.

Best wishes. You’ll get through it


This has to go ahead. You’re not selfish.

The invisible man.

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Fuck sake

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Any word on what the Love Island crew think of it all? Or an Xposé special maybe? Accessorizzzzzzze at home…?

What a load of cobblers.


That’s what alot of people don’t fully get I think yet. The virus can’t be stopped. People actually think life might return to normal in April. Mid summer at best I reckon. Even then we may have a life of restrictions for some time

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Is social distancing going to become a given? Is the day of packed pubs a thing of the past?

Is it going to be like security measures in airports? Just part of life from now on?


Lots of people clinging to hope watching the numbers every evening … pointless — the inevitable is inevitable — we needed much tighter restrictions from the off but the gov knew there was nothing to be done once it landed — they’re gearing up for when figures are coming in at 400/500 and hospitals are crowded — the average person is talking about pubs and schools re-opening in May :smile:

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For a period … once you get it it looks like you’ll have built up immunity from re-infection unless you are old… but we still dont fully know. But once most of the country get it, we can go back to some level of normal slowly — hopefully we find a vaccine within 12 months

The pubs will be open for @iron_mike birthday next year. I’ve no doubt about that.


I have two concerns from this crisis.

  1. That my loved ones stay safe
  2. That Liverpool win the league, even if it is behind closed doors

Other than that I’m sound.

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I’m not bothered in the slightest myself bar getting moments of the walls closing in. Once family stay safe i’m good. I’m not too bothered about football right now - but it would be nice if they got to finish the season alright - they can lift it when every thing returns to normal - but in the grand scheme of things, sport is way down my list.

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