Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Tennis Ireland have suspended all Tennis as of yesterday

Even if someone has only met their own family they’ve likely been to tesco and could have infected dozens there touching trolleys etc. Are trips to the shops counted?

They should spend big bucks providing hand sanitiser to every household for trips like that. It can’t be got anywhere as far as I can see

Shops are providing sanitizer and gloves

Maybe in leafy socodu. I’ve only seen it in SuperValu out here in middle ireland and even they always run out

Over 250 people didn’t turn up for testing in PuC today. Dunno whether that’s a good or a bad thing.

No worries and thanks.

So we’re doing that model, pretty much, I’d worry the contact tracing and testing hasn’t been as aggressive.

In the main the measures have been adhered to with regard to hygiene and distancing.

Hopefully, hopefully, we’ll have a similar result

They don’t run out, cunts keep stealing them

Do they still have phone accounts with Vodafone?

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For reasons unrelated to the current crisis, I keep a box of latex gloves in the boot of the car. I alway slip on a pair before I head into Super Valu. The ones they leave out for customers there are too small for my hands and you have oul wans milling around over them coughing and spluttering.

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Italy sucker punched again with over 700 deaths, when they thought they’d seen the worst.

We go again.

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Has anyone seen hand sanitiser for sale anywhere? The local chemist has it the very odd time but they’ve a waiting list

I’m missing something here??

Are we all serial killers on here

I’d say it’s like the Chinese Mobile company losing 8 million subscribers

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What would ye do with the groceries? I see ming stating he leaves stuff for days or wipes it down after delivery

Take my chances.


Yep they’re closing now too.

Low viral load on them could allow you build immunity

Funny Story, their also reporting a jump in 5G subscriptions of 8.7m in the month of February alone. Putting together the maths other factual information coming the Chinese it’s reasonable to assume that Chinese Tech. companies have cloned 700,000 adults with a penchant for advanced internet access.

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