Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

But yeah. Someone asked me to help them move house this weekend. Wtf. I said yes instinctivly because Im nice and then I thought about it and now Iā€™m not so sure and donā€™t know what to do

Depends who the someone is. If itā€™s your wife you probably still should


Theyā€™d want to stay well clear of Oughterard whatever else

Sister, even worse

Iā€™ll help her

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That was a fake news tweet from a Ballymun Kickhams malcontent Iā€™m told.

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Varying times but its slowly becoming a Glenroe like institution.

The absolute cycnic in me is also going to take note of what advertising brands/mediums are appearing directly before and after.

Going to go for a lot of Lidl adds appearing this evening!

Dont drink them Catherine nevin is delivering them

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You sure? Iā€™d really love to get out of it

You can claim the full whack if you never worked a day in your life.
Travellers are literally coming over from the UK, opening a bank account, filling out the form, ticking self employed and then heading off back to England. Theyā€™ll have 2,000 sitting in an account when they come back.

Seriously are they training? For fucking what?

I got my first Government paycheck last night and have already recieved a 75% raise. God bless the public sector


Today may be one of those days where you change your opinion as the facts change.

If this is true the tans may have already achieved herd immunity.

Bullet point it there for us pls,

Ah lads.

Surely* they are cross-referencing with PPS numbers?

*Said he already knowing the answer :man_facepalming:t2:

There was a picture tweeted last Saturday showing a group training at mobhi Roadā€¦ Binky reckons the tweet was a lad from ballymun kickhams doing a wind up.

Enemies of the State.

Run me through this. Didnā€™t see any news. If Iā€™m self employed I can claim 350 quid a week? Does my company have to stop paying my wages?

Jimmy Fleming :clap:

That said Jimmyā€™s is a kip