Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I run the company. Its not letting me go. We lost all our revenue for 10 days and some before.

The three of us here were coughing for the first three weeks of February. I must have caught it off your one from Facebook who had it in December

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Rte1 showing “Home of the year” when Dr Tony addressing the nation.

12 weeks

18% increase

Maybe all 3,711 had it, but only 20% tested positive?

Not too bad. From how many tests do we know? And How many in ICU?

There was a wan on boards who claimed she had it last summer.

I’m an ideas guy. I leave the details to the nerds

Dr Tony is understandably looking tired.

Social Welfare payments
The €203 COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment scheme (also available to self-employed publicans) will be increased to €350. It is available to all employees and the self-employed who have lost their job due to the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic.

The Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment will be in place for 12 weeks.

Income Support Scheme
The government also announced this afternoon a new National Covid-19 Income Support Scheme designed to maintain the link between employer and employee. THERE ARE SOME DETAILS THATWE NEED TO GET CLARIFICATION ON. WE WILL PASS THEM ON AS SOON AS WE HAVE THEM

Full details are available HERE

Briefly, this scheme will be run by Revenue where an eligible employer will be paid up to 70% of an employee’s take home income up to a maximum weekly tax free payment of €410 (i.e. 70% of take home weekly income of €38,000 per annum).

The scheme will provide support on incomes up to €76,000 or twice average earnings. It will be capped at net €350 for incomes between €38,000 and €76,000.The employer is expected to make best efforts to maintain as close to 100% of normal income as possible for the subsidised period.

Revenue will provide further guidance on operation of the scheme. There will be severe penalties for any abuse of the scheme. The Self-Employed will be eligible for the Covid-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment of €350 directly from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (rather than this Revenue scheme).

We will send on more details about the scheme tomorrow as they become available.

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Are we happy with this, all things considered?

They had 10 deaths which totally disproves the one in a thousand require hospitalisation stat

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Maybe they’ve already had it and are immune?

Sure what the fuck is going on in Italy then? And Spain?


Basically he is saying what China saw outside Hubei, the US should also see. Interestingly he also said the biggest factor in Italy is their anti-vaccine movement, which accounts for their high death rate from flu, and that their hospitals were overwhelmed with flu cases and this added to it. Don’t know if that’s true, is there a strong anti-vaccine movement in southern Europe?

Average age of people on a cruise ship?

The former Aston Villa goalkeeper?


I don’t know

Dr Tony and Dr Colm are refusing to answer questions about the number of deceased healthcare workers and the number of healthcare workers in ICUs. My unverified source* still maintains that at least one healthcare worker has died and that the workers are being warned to remain silent about the inadequate standard and amount of personal protective equipment.

*Paddy Cosgrave

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