Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

It’s dangerous because stupid ordinary people will buy into the headline of it and disregard lockdown instructions and social distancing - just look at who’s pushing it on this thread - exactly who you’d expect.

The way the headline of it has been pushed in the media is part of a worrying media trend I see over the last day or so, particularly in the UK and US, to justify letting this virus cause absolute carnage in the name of “the economy”.

There’s a very easy way to verify the theory of that study - count up the daily deaths in each affected country since January.

TFK is blessed to have lads so smart that they are capable of dismissing a team of experts in Oxford out of hand without even reading the study


You haven’t been peer reviewed until a gang of weirdos on the internet make shit of your work

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It’s pretty simple. If the theory is true, deaths would have shot up across Europe from January onwards, because a large amount of people would have been affected by the virus back then, given that the author is claiming up to half of Britain has already had it.

We’ve now got gobshites who got the flu or sniffles back in December flooding the internet telling us they had COVID-19.

No they wouldn’t have, if what they are saying is true that wouldn’t have happened at all

It was oxford polytechnic

Not defending the UK but was not the Irish woman, “Oxford Diplomat” who was very active (and very cringe) during Brexit? She’s a bit of an attention seeker.

Leo = Maximus

A few transition year students doing a class project

That was her yeah. Didn’t know her history but it doesn’t mean she was lying. She’s on Twitter so she’s obviously an insufferable cunt.

‘COVID-19 reached the UK by Mid-January at the latest’, very interesting.
As I said earlier ‘the flu’ that absolutely floored me for 3 days over the Christmas period was like no other flu I have every experienced. Symptoms were - No sore throat, no head cold, no nasal congestion, hacking painful cough (one of my lungs felt like a hot poker was burning a hole in it), shortness of breath, fever, perfuse sweating, aching limbs & headache. It definitely took me 10 days before I felt better with it.


I wouldn’t wipe my arse with that study

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There would have been a gradual increase in severe pneumonia / severe bronchitis symptoms through February. You probably wouldn’t have had this sudden explosion of severe cases out of nowhere, it would have been gradual escalation.

My Dad actually had bronchitis this winter and he’s still not really over it. I’d say Covid 19 could easily kill him.

I do pray that is not the case .


Peter Hitchens had an article the other day which would have been perfect for that (were it not for the harsh texture of the printed version of the Daily Mail).

The same malingerers who force people onto trollies by turning up to hospitals every week with a sniffle or a headache.


Edit vid wouldn’t upload

Two symptoms now required before testing per the Irish times. Proper order too

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There wouldn’t have. You could easily have missed it if their postulation is true.
I’ve no idea whether it’s true or not, but it seems a bit silly to dismiss a group of very smart people out of hand because you don’t agree with what they are saying. That’s like something Trump would do cc @Dziekanowski