Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Well youā€™re the person that took it upon themselves to argue on behalf of them. Seems a bit rich to do that and then refuse questions.

This is going to end up like the discovery of DNA with the Cambridge crowd and the London crowd still fighting 70 years later.

I see the Brits are turning the Excel Arena into a field hospital. Where do we have if needed? Simmonscourt? The Point Depot? The Basketball Arena in Tallaght?

Typical @Julio_Geordio not fact checking what he posts fffs :rage:


A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

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Most people donā€™t understand compound interest, let alone the exponential growth of a pandemic.

@Julio_Geordio, @anon78624367

So, as for the Oxford study. There are three categories, susceptible (those that can get infected), infected and recovered. What you are looking at on that chart Julio is the susceptible number plunging, as there are fewer people to infect, They are claiming the UK is past the peak and herd immunity is setting in.

They also say social distancing etc. is correct to slow rate heading to the hospitals. They are not arguing for no action.

Lots of antibody testing needed now to determine how many have developed immunity. I bet the results will be shocking.

Are you now trying to prove that you are more intelligent than yourself?

I really, really fucking hate working from home. Iā€™m useless at it, I havenā€™t done a tap today.

Itā€™s a balls. Thankfully, I wonā€™t be busy until the middle of next week. Iā€™m telling people Iā€™m HFW when they ask if Iā€™m WFH. I usually guffaw at this point.

No mate.

We have never seen a pandemic like this.

I was very much in the this will be ok in a month or two camp until today (or yesterdayā€¦the joys of shift work).

However, Iā€™ve done a lot of research on the INTERNET and Iā€™m more and more struck by how grim this situation is looking. Itā€™s highly likely that someone I know will die from this illness. Lots of people will die. This virus is now a reality of our lives and, until we find a vaccine and administer it to everyone on earth, the virus will continue to infect and kill.

And then youā€™ve the economic and social issues. Isolation will drive some people mad. It will ruin relationships, families and lives. If resources get scarce, and they could well do, desperate people could resort to anything in order to ensure their survival.

Oh and weā€™ll have a global recession at the end of it all.

Iā€™m not feeling hopeful todayā€¦

America will come to the rescue mate.

There is something about the American spirit that loves freedom so much that we would literally move mountains to ensure freedom prevails.

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We made our own. 70:30 vodka to aloe Vera gel. Some drops of tea tree oil then. Was genuinely surpised at how good it turned out. Kids did it and put in their own bottles, both happy out using something they made for themselves.


Tree tree oil is fantastic stuff. Never had one incidence of head lice due to spraying them and their backpacks with it. Every day.

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Can we throw my earlier study that the number of Italians who get flu vaccines has declined from 2006 to 2019 to now be only 13 per cent into the mix.

In Ireland the uptake of flu vaccine amongst healthcare workers is 44 per cent

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Tea tree and yes I agree. A little dash behind the ears is the job

@Julio_Geordio you silly silly boy.

Heā€™ll regret that when he wakes up so he will.