Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Heā€™s much better than that

Look didnā€™t I give the lads something to do. We all have to play our part

Nearly 200 posts about a study and every single one of you forgot the most important variable, thus, rendering all your results voidā€¦

The study was carried out by tans.
x = tans, y = trustworthiness - so x + y = 800 years of murder and lies.
Therefore , 800 / the troubles = Brits out.
so 800 + Brits out = Up the ra.

you stupid cunts.


Itā€™s only a tangent


Iā€™m optimistic about handling a bad flu without hospital treatment, but who knows- only the good die young. Iā€™ve even gone so far as to buy pyjamas just in caseā€¦ unthinkable before this carry on

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Rebrand incoming for @Julio_Geordio


@Julio_Geordio reminded me of Gavan Reilly on Virgin Media News here.

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Not at all. I did some glorious interneting late into the night and picked up a couple of nice posts for my troubles

Gavan must be a very impressive and handsome man

Me and Gavan actually share a very similar hairline

Drop me a PM mate


Twould be no harm if all of us took a break from this thread today.

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This thread , like the virus, is only startingā€¦ unless you believe the tans, in which case the thread will be done in a few days.

Go away and flatten your curve you Cork bollix

The mrs is baking every dayā€¦ cakes, breads, cookiesā€¦ iā€™m flat out.

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Its like Christmas in Rathkeale

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Heā€™s from Clare

Who are you?

Youā€™d know the lads who are antsy at home and canā€™t hack being with their families for an extended period of time; theyā€™re the ones posting on this thread from 7 in the morning til 11 at night.

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The Germans are doing some job on the deaths front ā€” The Koreans are doing some job on the spread of the virus.