Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Santa might finally deliver the christmas wish of the locals

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You did tbf. Must have felt weird for them tbh.

I thought you were woke

I am, since about 6.45am

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Fixed that for you mate

How are you faring out with online shopping? The mrs has gone buck apeā€¦ a weekly shop for us would have been roughly 150-170euro, depending of courseā€¦ but the last 2 shops have been online and shes hitting nearly 300 notes. Weā€™re down a salary and sheā€™s adding two of fucking everything to the shopping listā€¦ and then tells me she got me beers also like that makes everything alright.

fucking wimmin.

cc @Bandage


Iā€™m in fine shape. Iā€™ll update the forum later actually

Hundreds of thousands of people lost their jobs in this country you selfish prick . What do you do anyway ,


Proper order that testing is now being strictly granted to those who have meet the criteria rather than having wasters and hypochondriacs tying it up.


Only a doctor can order a test.

Iā€™m still going to the shops mate but protecting myself accordingly.

Yes but they were referring hypochondriacs who were no doubt bombarding them every minor ailment or paranoid thought.

Why were 40k waiting for tests? If you feel you have something self isolate for two weeks, itā€™s a different story if youā€™re in the elderly and vulnerable category.


The French Government experts have said the lockdown should last six weeks. I presume weā€™ll be the same. So end of April at least.
Be a long April

No, people were screened by symptoms before they even talked to a doc - by age also. Then dealt with by a high/ low risk assessment. Then the doc would decide if a test was needed. having 2 symptoms should speed it up ā€¦ but they started with very rigid outlines of fever, cough etc, then realized most people would have mild symptoms so started testing everyone ā€” now they are lagging due to that so have reached a happy medium criteria

If any of you or your other halves, sisters etc are still going to work in cities, Iā€™ve heard a few reports from women that walking through Dublin City centre in evening is a bit unsettling. A few unsavoury types about and not many other people. If they have to be in work see it they can leave earlier or not have to walk to public transport

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Itā€™s right approach. Iā€™d plan to not have to go near shops for first week or two of April.

Couple of the neighbors beginning to crack here if the rows Iā€™m hearing in the back garden are anything to go by.


Were you out and about last night?