Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I wasnā€™t. Doing a big job here cleaning stuff out of the house.

Then how can you explain the amount of absolute wasters who have got tested?

Ah will you stap how do you explain the negatives. People are googling the symptoms to talk themselves into a test. The same few hundred who clog a and e for the craic have now found a new way of expressing themselves

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The HSE panicked and told docs to test everyone even with mild symptoms. Thereā€™s plenty of seasonal stuff still doing the rounds. You cant see a doc right now, you are screened by phoneā€¦ 90% of people ringing docs are legit iā€™d say, other illnesses havent gone away. itā€™s the docs discretion to recommend a test.

iā€™m hoping the new criteria crosses me off the list now and i can walk Brady guilt free @TheUlteriorMotive

Why do you hate people so much? No matter the issue, youā€™ll always find reason to dismiss a large chuck of the population as stupid or crazy ā€” Now youā€™re right in lots of ways, but whereā€™s the love?

People were told to self isolate. I didnā€™t hear anything about being told they need to be tested if they have mild symptoms.


Are you a doctor or working in the HSE?

@Julio_Geordio you mad bastard :smile:


Why are you getting so defensive when itā€™s absolutely clear a huge number of idiots are clogging up the testing system? Is it because you are one of them?

The guidelines are very clear.

SF IRA supporters turning on each other.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch.

@anon7035031 @Julio_Geordio, I donā€™t think we should bore each other talking about this theory that none of us really know for certain, and will be proven or disproven in a few weeks anyway but I am reminded of the work of Karl Popper, the famous philosopher of science guy.

Popperā€™s theory on science was basically that any theory should be assumed valid until you have evidence to disprove it. So you put forward a theory that is consistent with the evidence you see in the world and that seems to explain the evidence you see in the world and then you have to assume that theory is correct until you have fresh empirical evidence that contradicts it. It would seem to me that the situations in Germany, South Korea, Italy and Spain contradicts the Oxford Polytechnic theory.

Iā€™ve a bit more than that.

Weā€™ve been talking a lot on here about how unhealthy Italy is, how they smoke so much, etc, and how that helps explain things:

  • Italy has the highest life expectancy in the EU, higher than Germany (pre-Covid 19). Both Italian men and women have a higher life expectancy than German men and women. Iā€™m guessing that north Italians probably had the highest life expectancy of all, probably the highest in all Europe.

  • Italian people smoke significantly less per capita than the Germans.

The age profile of the Italian population still explains a lot of Italyā€™s disaster but fundamentally the only real explanation is that Italy got badly infected and the other countries donā€™t have as high a rate of infection yet.

I see this as real-world evidence that contradicts the theory and the theory should be dismissed as per what Popper says.

Like I said though, I donā€™t see much point in wasting our time talking about this when weā€™ll find out soon enough anyway. One way or another there will be a lot of disgraced British experts when this is all over.

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iā€™M not, and no ā€¦ you seem under the illusion that people can just ring up and get a test willy nilly. They couldnt- Doctors were following HSE advice. I wont be getting tested now thankfully.

Iā€™m not under any illusion. The facts clearly show that there are lots of people looking for tests that donā€™t need them. The facts show that these people are currently clogging up the testing system and have created a long backlog which could damage the effectiveness of testing.

Itā€™s black and white and youā€™re disputing it.

How do you know what people were looking for? Youā€™re making it upā€¦ The HSE widened the net for mild symptoms and thatā€™s what clogged it up.

The figures you idiot. Look at the figures. A 40k backlog, 97% negative results. People were told to self isolate if they had mild symptoms, take some personal responsibility.

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2206 new cases. 143 new deaths.

The HSE have realized THEIR mistake and have tightened the net again. If people are feeling unwell they contact a doctor. Thatā€™s generally how it works. Doctors were sending people for testing with mild symptoms, not patients.

People were told to self isolate and call their gp, you were probably getting different messages up there

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It;s mind blowing the gymnastics people will go to to shout at everyone elseā€¦ imagine feeling unwell and having the neck to contact a doctor.

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