Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™m only stating your disclosures and relaying it. Find a mirror and take it up with the source.

Youā€™re lying to the forum. Shame on you.

You are a Covid19 pariah in these challenging times.

I followed my doctors advice to the letter of the law pal. Please stop lying to the forum.

Are we all set for the Christmas lads?


Heā€™ll surely give it to the mother. William will be King and Harry will be fucked over.


I canā€™t tolerate fools @tampabaytom, genuine cases will be delayed and people who theyve had contacted with will wait longer for tests which would have protected multiples more. So to spell. It out for you people will die because people who coughed twice but dont feel too bad want to be tested for some reason.

Thereā€™s the standard irish tolerance for stupidity with this, and with so many areas, that i do hate.

You were told to self isolate and felt too privileged to comply.

Your 51st is more important, plans at a tentative stage? #nopressure

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5552 new cases.

443 new deaths

Itā€™ll be the wildest night in Ballyragget since Fifi was below there.

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I was told to restrict my movements - which I had been doing anyway ---- I asked about walking the boss and he said in wide open spaces thatā€™s fineā€¦ Less than 20 yards from the house we have a green the equivalent to two football pitches ā€¦ iā€™m very disappointed that youā€™d think iā€™d put the public at risk like that.

One motherfucker of a party. Iā€™ll stick a public invitation in the indo. Our population will probably be halved by then so there should be no hassle going to the bar

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Heā€™s ā€œworking from homeā€.FFS

[quote=ā€œPiles_Hussain, post:2873, topic:30759ā€]

Prince Charles diagnosed


Theyre wondering how he picked it up. I reckon Andy rode the arse of Camilla and passed it on

hardly, he likes em young

Ah yeah but self isolation is a bugger. Any port in a storm in such a situation

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:smiley: wahey!!!