Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Did you pour a glass of port as you typed that?

Can we run a model on the number of celebs/politicians getting this if they have greater access to tests than the general population? We can use the celebrity spotting thread criteria as our base for the number of celebs/pols out there.

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So you now have to have fever to get tested? Even tho they’ve said countless times that people may not develop fever at all yet still have it?

The mixed messages from Leo and co will be our undoing.

This will wake the Tans up.
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Any port in a storm.



Sky news and bbc news will drop coverage of everything else now. It will be wall to wall charlie now until the crisis is over.

Charles might join his uncle in that great shipyard in the sky.


Theyll probably leave food baskets at tge gates of Balmoral for the poor crater

tubs off the air with a “persistent cough” and a very sniffly nose

The communist Chi-na virus is really going after the wealthy.

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Hes just getting himself tooled up for the toy show earlier then usual

Harry might have played a blinder here, only big brother to get out of the way now

It’s always wall to wall charlie at media organisations.

That’s why it’s big news … If it was like hunger, that only affected a few hundred million poor people, we wouldnt really know it was happening.


surely the kids are next in succession, rather than harry

Liam Glynn – Professor of General practice at UL was on the Sean O’Rourke show just after 10 there.

He says “our graph looks far too like Italy for my liking”. He was critical of the HSE over what he classed as “an unhelpful u-turn” over testing and says this will put a huge extra burden on GPs now as all these cases will have to be re-triaged.

According to his stats there have been 18k tested so far with around 6% positive. But he says there are possibly 20% false negatives from the test, and that it’s not an exact science. From my own diligent research I’ve found out that a lot depends on the quality of the the swabbing done during the test and it’s quite easy fuck upable on the part of the tester if they aren’t on the ball.

Glynn called for for widespread serological testing – which is retrospective testing to see if you’ve had it – basically a blood test to check for antibodies I guess. That’s what yer one Suneptra Gupta who wrote that study called for and I agree it would be very useful in terms of information.

The cocaine coming in at the moment must be savagely contaminated with the virus.

Spain has passed out China for deaths. Well that’s if you believe the Chinese haven’t buried 8 million people somewhere


we have a backlog of 50k for swab tests.

Where the fuck would the capacity come from to do blood tests?