Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

We could train rats to carry them out.

But the question is, where would we get the capacity to train the rats?


We canā€™t afford not to. We are stabbing in the dark otherwise.

tests should be a swab and blood if thatā€™s the case. Probably take more than 15 minutes.



Typical. Wall to wall Charles since it was announced

Heā€™s been going around getting swabbed left right and centre

Not to mention the fat hapes of shite. ā€˜Iā€™ve a burning in my chest doctorā€™. Maybe lay off the 6 cans of coke before lunch you fucking cunt.


Yes. The Duke of Sussex is 6th in line to the throne now. A minor Royal really at this stage.

@artfoley embarrassing himself here.

Arenā€™t you a smoker


Fine Gael are making a bollix of this ā€¦ mixed messages from day 1.

and heā€™s a fat cunt.

What would need to happen for my favourite Royal, the Roman Catholic, Liverpool-supporting Duchess of Kent, to become Queen?

A global pandemic

Yes but I have lungs of solid steel and farm from morning to night. I am zen.

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The coronavirus infection rate will likely slow down in Germany at the beginning to middle of next wee k, the head of the German hospital federation (DKG) told the Funke group of newspapers.

ā€œIn the medium term, we expect infection rates to slow down due to social distancing,ā€ DKG President Gerald Gass said.

ā€œHowever, this will not be significantly reflected in the registered infection numbers until the beginning to the middle of next week,ā€ he added.

He said around 1,000 coronavirus patients were being treated in intensive care units in German clinics at the moment.

And heā€™s a load of people trapped in his basement who donā€™t have enough space to practice social distancing


Iā€™ve let them out in the paddock now to roam free. Thereā€™s a lot to be said for Stockholm in these challenging times.

Another OMG coincidence but when I was out running around 9pm last night (and spotted the fox) I had that thought process about it being ripe for unsavoury types. Now Iā€™m not as pretty as I used to be, but it was eerily quiet and I turned off my music in case I was bundled into the back of a van.

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You wonā€™t be so lucky every time


Blindboy made a funny ā€” The virus doesnt recognize the border, had led to Orange marches being cancelled and has infected prince Charlesā€¦ the virus must be in the ra. Hahahahahahaha

Thatā€™s the kind of juvenile stuff @chocolatemice would come out with.