Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

All wifeswapping events cancelled until further notice


Even if you have immunity I think the best practice would be to isolate, I think it would be hard to enforce isolation if a percentage of people were out and about.

If this goes on long term and immunity is clinically proven, I think policies will need to be implemented to integrate people with immunity back outside

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What is that music?

This cunt barely has an arse in his trousers and he’s comparing himself to the lads :joy:

Beginning to spread across Africa now. Lack of testing a big factor in low numbers plus all the other diseases that kill them. When it takes a hold there it will spread like wildfire. Lack of clean water for hand washing cramped living conditions and kids being brought up by grandparents

Arvo Part, its been to to death to be honest. No pun intended

Went down to the local shop to get milk there and there was an older lady in a reverie near the milk fridge. As I was coming up a lad grabbed milk from close to her, not unreasonably close, the poor dear recoiled in horror, and then they both apologised to each other.

Fuck this cunt of a virus.

Are there risky roles that should be targeted at the immune in handling the infected? Working in those testing bays for instance.

If immunity is clinically proven and the skillset can be learned quickly, absolutely. Agility will be the key here

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I’d genuinely like to see the figures for how many would have died regardless

Can you name thepiece? Haven’t heard it before, but then I lead a sheltered life.

The Latin countries in Europe (France Italy and Spain) are being decimated. The Nordic/Germanic countries have comparatively very low death rates. Is it really a question of lifestyle and demographics or is there a genetic issue here as well? Like the Celts being susceptible to the haemo?


Only an omnipotent being has that chart

Spiegel am spiegel

Mirror on mirror.

Nobody knows mate. We wont know specific answers until afterwards

Maybe the cold air kills it? Canada is doing well too

Interesting too the casualty rate in wealthy Northern Italy with some of the best medical infastructure in the world are on totally different levels to the south

It might be a longitude and latitude thing.

It might be more aggressive in certain geographical climates

If you look at the global heat map it seems to be along a stripe where it’s at it’s worst