Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

And do they think we can’t add up.

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It’s not a theory, only the wankers in the media are calling it that. It’s a study that led to a hypothesis, nothing more, nothing less.

If people do what they are instructed to, unlike you and self isolate for the required 14 days then the chances of this are minimal. Non compliance from idiots like yourself put everyone at risk.

I’ve put the notes “not a team player” on your file.

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Alright, he’s endangered innocent elderly people, again. But in the spirit of cooperation lets move on to bigger things, ie the dublin youth coughing in people’s faces

Stop peddling lies — I’ve been practicing isolation long before most here and before the doctor told me to restrict movements. I’ve been saving lives for 2 weeks now.

Be great to get rid of the time wasters like @Thomas_Brady

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No you have not. You were out walking your dog when you were told to stay indoors.

I have been cleared by medical professionals to do so.

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You could have killed people for all you know.

I havent been within 50 yards of another person in 2 weeks. I’m very disappointed at these unfounded accusations.

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You know what you did

You have not. You are not out of the 14 day period yet. You ignored medical instruction. You have put us all at risk.

I have asked my doctor twice if it is ok to walk my man in open space. He said it’s ok as long as I abide by social distancing rules. I’ll trust a doctor over a crank on the internet. Very disappointing that you cant support me during this time of duress.


Of course Paul is on the front line of what is going on - an expert.


Well, we’re either following the Korean model or we are not. I dont mind if we’re not, but Leo keeps spouting Korean model this, Korean model that. And today he ups and changes tactics again … they are having a nightmare.

So your doctor is ignoring strict HSE guidelines?

A simpleton nae sayer if ever there was one

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He’s not — His assessment was that he didnt think we had it going by symptoms but since they were casting the net wide and looking to test as many as possible he included us for testing — he asked us to restrict movements - which we were doing - and since we dont have a back garden he said the wide open green in front of the house is fine to take the dog out to as long as we keep our distance from people .

Like I said - i’ve been saving lives like a true hero.

There is no mixed messaging. Dr Holohan has been clear from the start, what he wants everyone to do is to behave as if they have the virus and they dont want to transmit it to anyone else.

The fact you ignored this advice is part of the wider problem.