Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Dr Holohan has killed women with shabby smear testing ā€¦ now heā€™s going to kill thousands more with his shabby virus testing.

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The UK is saved:

I donā€™t see why you are getting bogged down in this.

I trust the medical experts who are on the front line. Every person with a sniffle being tested doesnā€™t make sense when there is massive backlog - as regards the South Korea model, I am sure that things donā€™t always work as smoothly as completely copying that and I have faith in trained and educated people to make that call for me.

Unqualified people having a pop at what is going on without having the slightest clue of the intricacies of this makes my blood boil I have to say.


Someone posted yesteday how a pregnant lady who they knew had someone do similar. Still riling me up since reading it.

They perperators should be battoned to pieces and made apologise on the 6 oā€™clock news.

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He either has or you have because what you did defies protocol for people who have reported symptoms.

Weā€™re not on about sniffles ffs. Thereā€™s a contradiction between what they were telling us last week and what they are testing for now. It was very strict symptoms first, then they realized that loads of people will have very mild symptoms so they asked for as many as possible to be tested. Now they are back to strict testing again despite saying that most people will only have mild symptoms ā€” so thereā€™s no point in the test figures at all really - they are a total red herring. But the shifting of criteria for testing every week isnt going to help ā€¦ Maybe itā€™s a better screening process they need?

When did Paul Murphy squeeze in the public health qualification. Weā€™ve tested more people per capita than most countries and now we are refocusing the tests because people like you - the well - wanted some sort of reassurance placebo

I dont have reported symptoms.

I think Paul got his degree along with you and the other 50 lads on TFK that are experts on virology nowā€¦ He did a lot of distance learning so you probably missed him

It might be time for a rebrand mate, youā€™re making a holy show of yourself.

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It really depends what way youā€™re looking at this.

Thereā€™s two categories of people when it comes to this virus. Either you have mild or no symptoms, or youā€™re dead.

Which category do you think you are in?

The concerned well like you have wasted State resources running to your doctor over a head cold.

93 per cent of people tested were negative. The HSE has had to revise its advice to deal with the fact that Micks are awful hypochondriacs. Probably lads with hangovers most of them.


No symptoms.

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Stop telling lies.

You thought you invented a cure an hour ago you space cadet.

Murphy and the likes arenā€™t aiming at youā€¦ Thereā€™s a herd of fcukwits they want to snareā€¦ Unfortunately it works quite well for themā€¦

Why did you ring the doctor and report symptoms then? Why did your doctor then forward you for a test? Why do you continue to backtrack and contradict yourself?

I never once rang a doctorā€¦ why are you inventing lies again?


You let your fellow citizens down with your selfish act and youā€™re too childish to take responsibility and apologise.

Itā€™s people like you who are putting us all at risk.

Ah lovely ---- Lies, lies and damned lies.