Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Just log off for an hour don’t mind them. You should be happy you don’t have the virus.

You are a man of very weak character. You need to find a purpose quickly where you can contribute positively.

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You’re right. I’ll go for a walk to cool down.


You would be mad to ignore the evidence

Five controlled trials carried out in three different countries over four decades indicate that vitamin C may affect pneumonia in humans.

Now it looks to have cured you too. You had Covid 19 and are now symptom free.

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Steady on, He’s just under a bit of stress like us all. He’s harmless really.

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Why do you spell liquorice like that mate?

Drafting a team would take your mind off all this bullying you’re at the receiving end of @Thomas_Brady

This new lad Brady getting his tail clipped with embarrassing regularity here.


Sound advice. Thank you.

Fair enough.

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37 new cases in NI.

A life long FF stooge falling in with the herd here - shocker.

History will judge me kindly - i’ve called this from the off and have been ahead of the curve daily - just see my one sincere post every day.


Will you stop embarrassing yourself. You need endless engagement. You’re a weak character actually.

You’ll regret that when I’m dead from the virus.

This end of it is a bit of a shambles whatever the delay is in getting the PPE out to staff

The millennials are really exposing themselves in this crisis, not the lads you would want with you in Ballinamore.

If you croak from this I’ll have a Mass said for you. Is that alright with you or have you any objections.

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If it will bring you and your family comfort, fire away.

Would you fuck up - all you’re doing is rehashing what you read in the papers and then looking for kudos — you were fighting fires in Oz a month ago - now you’re out-smarting scientists -AT least i’m aware i’m talking bollox.