Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Are they purposely changing times most evenings I wonder? They don’t want people obsessing so easier to keep changing times so it doesn’t become a habit for folks…

I beg your pardon but you’re talking complete bollocks. Even the people who did the Oxford study said they weren’t criticising the lockdown.

Edit: they’re just questioning how long the lockdown will have to go on for.

Just saw a very sweet slice of quarantine life. Two young lovers in jogging gear in Springfield Park, clearly pretending to be doing their exercise for the day so they could steal a moment together. Not ashamed to say I had a slight catch in my throat as I called the Gardai


I was being facetious mate.

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Are you that desperate for a few likes?

What other purpose does TFK have?

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That’s one for VAR to decide

I commend your top level irony. Self-isolation clearly has me driven half-mad. I’m reading Edgar Allen Poe here and it all just seems like hard-hitting realism.

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I was thinking that GaillimhMick isn’t nearly that clever or witty of a poster.


No, I just posted it because it was funny.

Geroge Lee just said it there - the gov have given up on confirming cases and are concentrating on seriousness of illness only going forward- i.e those that could be hospitalized.

Looks like a lot of lads were wrong and I was right … but now is not the time to gloat.

You probably infected half of them you bollox

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Basically they’ve given up on their South Korea strategy.


You can’t sat that. Or you’ll have simpletons like @anon67715551, @TreatyStones and @TheUlteriorMotive on you.

Funny seeing @padjo and the likes aghast at bojos approvals rating while giving it loads about how well Leo is doing

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Doing a South Korea or a Germany requires competent government and competent government requires a large public sector.

Fintan O’Toole had an article some weeks back, before this crisis became major news, about how the Irish public sector had not expanded to meet the needs of a growing population. Even IBEC now agrees. Fintan was spot on as he usually is but then again certain posters here had been saying exactly that for years. Those posters have now been proven indisputably correct.

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Vindication first FotF Paddy Cosgrave again. Healthcare personnel absolutely terrified by the dearth of PPE.

Fine Gaelers will say you can’t spell dearth without dear.

I say you can’t spell dearth without death.