Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The Brits appear to be heading down the same road as the Italians unless they change their tune. So that would suggest to me that itā€™s irrelevant to genetics anyway

The brits are fucked. Boris could get lynched over this

Yeah. Iā€™m no scientest but its pretty obvious to me that climate has a big role to play when it comes to this thing. But its too early to say exactly how.

Hopefully not (brits fucked)

Lynch away anyway.

I was in a shop in limerick today and they had clearly marked on floor where to queue, not to move into this space before the person in front of you leaves their one etc. Signs everywhere, and a clearly bizarre queue if youā€™d somehow managed to miss what was going on.

Anyway, absolute scumbag lands in and stands into the space behind me in the queue skipping everyone. Security guard comes over and says ā€œget out of his personal spaceā€ and sends him back to the back of the line :clap::clap::clap: Be great if we could continue this after the crisis as well.


Fuck em

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We canā€™t depend on any variable for now.

Only proven strategy is to isolate and slow the transmissions

Likely something to do with the immune system, how it varies between demographics and how it changes as people age. Children for example are getting infected but have very mild symptoms. Women dying at half the rate of men in Korea. If I had to guess I would say itā€™s mainly to do with how healthy your lungs are and how healthy you are overall.

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Iceland and Norway both show up quite high in the deaths/population column. Both showing <25% daily case increase, so it appears to be under control.

Simon Harris is 33? Holy fuck

Heā€™s a complete weirdo

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Requiescant in pace fratres nostros Italica :pray: :cry:


Country in crisis and skangers are still breaking in to houses and businesses, wasting garda and emergency services time. Should be shoot on sight for a few weeks. Or if thats slightly too harsh, mandatory sentences

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Name one ā€œyouthfulā€ politician who isnā€™t?

Iā€™ve always said that with that majority only Boris could get rid of Boris. I hope itā€™s not because of this because it means we are fucked over here.


Thought the break ins would have been small now with a lot of people working from home. Looking out my window every driveway has a care in it where as 2 weeks ago each driveway would be empty.

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Look at anyone who was in YFG. Itll prove your theory

Strange attitude considering Britain is full of Irish/Irish descent people. Not unknown attitude but strange none the less.

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Any cunt that fucks with elderly now should have there legs broken and dropped in mto bergamo from the state helicopter

Shoot on sight policy should be in place. Solve a lot of problems in the country.