Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

is this whole thing a cod?

She’s awesome.


Trump & his cronies trying to give the bulk of $2T(rillion) to their corporate cronies (themselves). Little wonder the Democrats in particular Sanders & AOC opposed it until some of the little people were included.


B-anal. I’d pronounce it banall


Lies. The $2T package includes $500B to corporations, which they have to pay back. Same as 2009 when the banks had to pay back their bailout, with interest.

Not a time for lies pal.


My neighbours finally cracked tonight. Weird auld set up. Surprised it has taken this long, lots of f bombs flying

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Take that Zuckerberg, you weedy nerdy little prick.


can’t hack the pressure, some lads get stronger with the pressure

So stop telling them.

There is normally a blow up or shouting match every few weeks. Thought that there would be more in these circumstances

No surprise that a leftist wants all views that she opposes censored. Leaving aside the fact that she lies consistently herself.

Creeping up everyday too. We’ll get tight on ICU beds in another month at this rate.

God fucking help us. As bad as Leo is he is a million better than that Martin cunt.

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What has she lied about consistently?

The graph i posted above is a source of optimism. We may be ok

What’s the story with Northern Ireland? 7 deaths there now - have theu made a complete bollocks of it / do the unionist’s see it as some rapture like moment?

Address the question I asked. Do you think Facebook should censor content from one political party because she thinks it isn’t accurate? All politicians lie, but she wants one side to be censored.

You don’t have a problem with that?

Dr. Tony explaining the change in testing policy here now on the news. Basically a load of fucking traitors to their people like @Thomas_Brady with barely a cough clogging up the testing system so they couldn’t get to the people who actually need help.

Thanks Tom, hope you’re happy now.


If we are only “tight” on ICU beds in a months time it will be a phenomenal result.