Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Fuck off and drink yourself to death you cunt.

Is there a hotline set up to report such people to?
Maybe someone should out him on Twitter.

Iā€™m not a real doctor but surely thereā€™s too much focus on ICU capacity? I thought having a ventilator handy would be the main thing and sure havenā€™t we loads of them on the way?

And the best politician in America.

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If thereā€™s not there should be, mate.

Combined with his move to Tampa Bay, itā€™s been a sad bit of attention seeking from him in some of the most important weeks for the world since the last world war.

Weā€™ve no one to monitor the people on the ventilators apparently

I think Facebook should censor information from far right homophobic and racist scum.

So where has she consistently lied?

The right wing nut jobs are seething here at how wrong theyā€™ve got this.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch.

Their faces are all like this as they type:

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But where would @labane1917 copy and paste his posts from then?

Donā€™t talk about me like Iā€™m not here.

It was others who falsely made a song and dance out of a non issue, not I.


5,000 cases by Sunday week? Be some going.

The stress of his imaginary condition is clearly taking a heavy toll

But not censor far left violent scum like Antifa? All hate speech should be either allowed or banned, no exceptions for leftists. There is also the issue of the first amendment.

She lies consistently about the bill currently going through congress. Corporations are not getting ā€œfree moneyā€. the bill clearly states they have to pay it back. This is the same women who cost New York 40,000 jobs and lied about Amazon paying below minimum wage, even though minimum wage is $11 and they pay a minimum of $15 an hour.

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Check out the boring spamming cunt.


This exactly. Republicans are trying to make out like bandits like they did in Iraq. Trump wants vast amounts of public money funnelled to himself. @labane1917 supports that as he thinks thatā€™s ā€œentrepreneurismā€. He also supports corporate stock buybacks for the same reason and thinks itā€™s productivee activity.

The right wing nut jobs on this forum are finished. They never had any clothes but are now the e-equivalent of a cocaine addict after a party who gets dumped out of a car naked in the middle of the fifteen acres at midday.


If this is the level of shite weā€™re back to posting, the virus must be on the wane

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Bro, whatā€™s going on? I havenā€™t been following the threads much today but you seem to be under fire a bit.