Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Antifa are anti-fascist and are a perfectly legitimate group. They don’t have any other ideology other than anti-fascism. You literally supported the Nazis of Charlottesville.

That would seem to be the case alright.

Just looking there at UCD’s course in that area which is a year long which respiratory a key module worth 10 credits or 1/4 of the course. You won’t get that in 4-6 weeks (assume they’ve had some time to train people up) but perhaps they can administer certain things with some overview by the experts?

Thst was a joke…he said on another thread he was gonna drink himself to death… The rest is only jigs and reels.

I’ve got 1500 unread posts in this thread I’ve no intention of reading. What’s the current sentiment? Are we in a good place or fucked? No replies mentioning looney left, far right, Trump or Boris please


Somewhere in the middle mate, nobody knows more than that.

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Has she a name or is it just AOC?

I’ve been attacked all day for walking my dog…

@balbec is menopausal , the little bitch.

About half of them are Choco looking for notice. The daily increase in cases was 18%.

Google it

he must be doing nearly 18 hours a day on here?

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In sporting parlance we’ve given ourselves a chance


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I know that. Anything below 30% is good right?

Yeah but the testing has been a load of bollocks

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Will new testing criteria impact number of confirmed cases though?

Seems that way alright pal.

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It’s like remedial class around here…

They’ve given up testing for confirmed cases… And are only interested in serious illness Now. Confirmed cases are a waste of time

They should go up and the % positive should go up you’d suspect…but hopefully still under the 30%

90% of tests are negative mate, and 90% of people who get infected have no or mild symptoms.

So you’re saying that if you are asymptomatic or mild symptoms you’ll test negative?

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The Irish government’s testing strategy has failed and the usual suspects here refuse to admit this.

It’s Trump-like in its refusal to deal with reality.