Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

But poor old harmless @Horsebox

No, thatā€™s not what heā€™s saying. People without symptoms arenā€™t going to get tested

Thanks for the answers gents. Iā€™ll be back with more questions tomorrow. Thanks for keeping the usual maniacs occupied in this thread leaving the rest of the board a nice and peaceful place.

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Iā€™m hearing a prominent business man from South Galway is in ICU with Covid. Went on pilgrimage to Cheltenham a fortnight ago.

That may be the case if the Oxford crowd are right. My point is why test people unless they are sick? Right now itā€™s a terrible waste of resources, at a time when thereā€™s a shortage of medical personnel.

Thatā€™s not what he said.

Beak it zippy


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What isnā€™t what he said?

Because the WHO said to test, test, test.

Either the virus isnt as prevalent here or the testing is broken

So say we all Psycho

Lads with zero knowledge of science or medicine telling us what works or doesnā€™t work.

Iā€™ve no patience for you, I wasnt talking to you

So people need to stop putting stock in the numbers of confirmed casesā€¦ It means nothing.

Did you volunteer for the contact tracing after or was that just your time of the month?

The testing strategy has failed. What we now have is lads desperately trying to put their faith in a ā€œThe Thick Of Itā€ style denial of reality.

ā€œworking from homeā€

I enquired, they were reappropriating people from other public sectors first.

I have my name on the register for the HSE at the moment. If they need a cunt to clean up the hospitals Iā€™ll do it.


So they say

Good night lads.

Is it always a full moon these days.

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You can tell how much a poster knows about the subject from how much they talk about testing. If they talk about testing obsessively you can conclude they have no idea what they are talking about on this subject.

Given where we are, testing people who are sick is the only sensible approach.

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