Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Testing, Testing, 123

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It’s a salmon colour ticket.

In my house it is. Bat shit crazy

Bullshit bingo?

You need to go and get tested ASAP, mate.

And get some clothes while you’re at it instead of prancing around buck naked on here.

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That’s all fine but it gives no indication of the spread given that the majority will experience little to mild symptoms of whom they are not testing… I’m just trying to stop lads falsely putting their hopes in these figures.

So test everyone then?

They are admitting their data will be hopelessly incomplete and now telling us why we don’t need up to date data, despite telling us yesterday that it was all important.

A complete backtrack.

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Possibly bud, but this is a public health crisis and we need to treat those who need it.

We’ll still be testing a lot of people and still around the top globally per capita.

We can’t keep up with that level of testing . We’re not Asian.

You’re missing my point tho.

This lad is back home out of hospital for the last 6 days . Locked the door , doesn’t want his mum to go in , which is Noble, shouting at the mother when she knocks on the door to go away . Taking all the measures. Fair play to him

Potential to add a heap of additional beds in a month too.

Surely this new testing regime is going to massively accelerate the positive test numbers…ICU occupancy is the key wan

At this stage I only know one lad who was diagnosed with it. Or admitting it anyway

The guy who gives out the prizes for intellectual stuff in Scandinavia is actually an Irish mammy?

I think what needs to be taken into account is the actual capacity of the testing system. The capacity isn’t infinite (obviously) so needs to be best focused in a way that maximises information flow and alters behaviour. Trying to expand the testing capacity by orders of magnitude in a short space of time is huge logistical task which shouldn’t be underestimated.

Like, reading most twitter-type hot takes on testing, its absolutely clear they’ve no idea what is required in terms of equipment, facility, personnel or consumables to carry out 1 test, let alone thousands per day.

That capacity is being ramped in an unprecedented way but anyone thinking that ramp in capacity is easy is clearly just a hurler on the ditch and has no actual knowledge about what is required.


yeah, I’ve no major issue with it…but it can’t be taken as a gauge of where we are really at, it gives a false impression… ICU figures can more so…

Hitler on RTE now.

And that wasn’t a shot at @anon78624367 at all. His point about the prevalence of the virus via the current testing regime is well made.


The government had no idea but shure blame away on people on Twitter, personal responsibility and all that, yeah.


Cracker of a tune and cracker of a pair of diddies. Is that aoc in the black and red t shirt??

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