Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

South Korea created 300 drive through clinics and were getting results back within hours.

A remote temperature reading, questionnaire and throat swab. 10 minutes.

The key thing here is they had the results back in hours.

Why did they go with a strategy they hadnā€™t capacity for in the first place, by your logic?

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You need an aneatatist to intubate a patient onto the ventilator becuase they need to be sedated and a specialist nurse to monitor around the clockā€¦not many of either around apparently

Would be interesting to know what the efficiency is of labs generally and how scale impacts.


Iā€™d say the gov are getting a crash-course in testing, both from a public health strategy perspective and from a logistical/execution perspective. Which is to be expected. You didnā€™t have a notion about either a month ago but its fairly clear youā€™re an expert now so presumbably you agree it can be achieved.

What I would say is that the likes of the NVRL and other testing organisations are highly professional organisations so Iā€™d trust their knowledge and capabilities.

They had one lab and I think scaled to two.

Saw a bit a week or two ago where there were samples in boxes in corridors.

Didnā€™t realise every Thomas Brady and Harry were going to clog the system with their sniffles


The fact is the governmentā€™s testing strategy failed. So why are you blaming people on Twitter for that rather than the people who are responsible - the Fine Gael government?

What happened to personal responsibility?

What have people on Twitter got to do with it?

They live on the edge all their lives with kim launching rockets , this is no problem to them . Stay in doors and do a swab .

But the plan was to test everyone. Youā€™d imagine theyā€™d have planned to scale

sweep sweepā€¦ Blaming innocent people instead of the decision makersā€¦

Jaysus, you donā€™t have high expectations of them anyway.

That remains to be seen surely? Its likely of course

I think they are ramping all elements at the same time and also continually seeing how best to adjust.

From afar, it would seem like there are two separate issues. One is the actual logistics of the system - how to to ramp to a capacity of thousands per day triaged, swabbed, tested and reported. A complex system to build at scale in a couple of days and one of the reasons that other countries havenā€™t even tried Iā€™d say

the second is how you target that capacity. Theyā€™ve changed the criteria twice. Iā€™d say your point about getting such a low hit rate was the reason for the recent change.

It is and it is.


They are doing the best they can. They have limited testing capacity and are facing an unprecedented situation. 1 in 20 people who are being sent for testing have it, so they are revising the criteria to make better use of limited resources. Surely no one can have an issue with that?


You might want to revise your mathā€¦ again.

Show your workings.

Iā€™ve no issue with any of this bud.
Iā€™m only asking questions.

I cant wrap my head around so many people testing negative with such an aggressive virus.

I just hope the actual testing isnt broken, no matter about the scale

And once again you veer directly into hyperbole and absolutism. No reasonable person could claim the testing strategy has failed or succeeded -itā€™s still in progress.