Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

So Thomas Bradys wants:

  • more people dead
  • no flexibility in the criteria for cases
  • no adapting of procedures to make the best use of resources
  • for infectious people not to self isolate just because they have a dog

Not something id be criticizing them for. Absolutely makes sense to make it more targeted based on learnings

Def should be getting the results turned around quicker alright


It has failed because they’ve backtracked on the criteria. That’s what the Brits did and it was called out as failure.

Instead of admitting this, you tried to blame people on Twitter, ie. change the subject to something completely irrelevant. That’s what people who don’t have an answer do.

No… But they started down a path they couldn’t finish and are Now turning heel walking a different path… It makes sense to concentrate on the sickest but it gives us no indication of where we are at if we are turning away mild symptoms also… And you’d hope the 3rd change in a couple of weeks doesn’t lessen the message and lads with mild symptoms don’t go out walking their dog.

The common cold is very common in Ireland. I don’t see how its a massive surprise that so many were testing negative previously under the previous testing requirements

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If it was we would surely have seen cases into the ICU by now where positives were missed

It’s almost like they are learning as they go



Fuck off.

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The only criticism I’d have is why did they go for the strategy would require the most capacity, then ramp up and then change to a more restrictive capacity.

Surely it has to be done the other way around. Restrictive strategy until you ramp up.

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Well not necessarily, we’ll have to wait for the results under the new criteria before it can be said if the previous criteria failed

Far riskier that you miss thousands with only mild symptoms

That’s allowed… But we had Leo crowing about Korean model yesterday and it’s binned 10 hours later… There’s an element of making it up too.

Trying to test as many as possible to target the infected and limit it’s spread. Too many people met the criteria to be tested so it didn’t work.

Simple as that I think.

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It failed because they miscalculated on capacity.

Because the virus has an aggressive transmission rate.

There should be absolutely no way that we are only hitting 10% positive

Catching cases in the early stages of the outbreak is important. It’s less important as the numbers increase.

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“Why the fuck didn’t the scaling of a national testing system by a factor of greater than a hundred in a couple of days in an unprecedented global pandemic meet my expectations raised by my recently acquired epidemiological knowledge”


Yeah that’s fair enough.

I think they overestimated their ability to get results back though

Anyone have the figures for Spain, Italy & US for today?

Am I allowed to reply to you now?

Whatever about the aggressive transmission rate, the common cold will still be a lot more prevalent and under the old criteria I don’t think its surprising at all