Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


Jaysus if we all caught the cold we might not get the virus. Nobel prize for you

I think you raise a fair question there - it’ll be interesting to see if the %'s of positives changes over the coming days

I don’t get any sense that they aren’t increasing the numbers of tests processed per day so the change in testing focus would seem to be about addressing your point

7457 new cases and 656 new deaths in Spainm

Spain 7000 new cases, 656 deaths
Italy 5200 new cases 683 deaths
USA 10000 new cases 133 deaths

That’s not what I said. People can still get a cold without having Covid-19

You can be as snarky as you want but you’ve been one of the worst offenders in terms of the self-congratulatory nature of your posts about what the government is doing.

Now you’re all offended when it comes back to bite you.

There is no room for self-congratulation in this crisis and Fine Gael and especially their online supporters have been only too happy to wallow in it.

They need to call in McGarnagle

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And people can still have covid with the cold.

Agreed. The situation is evolving so your response (from testing to public shutdowns etc) should change too. To think otherwise would be odd.

Agreed about getting the turnaround time down too.

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Eases the pain

Yes, but the majority of people with a cold won’t have Covid-19, and those people were very likely to get tested under the old criteria

Do you think its beyond the realms of possibility that 90% of people who had cold-like symptoms just have the common cold?

All the government backers have totally changed tune without missing a note… It’s unreal to see in action.

Maybe the Orish are so riddled with the cold they are immune

Yea, while there is a rapidly aggressive virus doing the rounds of the country

TBF, there is a good clatter of regular seasonal stuff doing the rounds also making things worse.

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If you got this but had a savage immune system, does that mean you may not show up any symptoms and become immune to it as a result? Meaning you can’t catch it again?

I’m embarrassed to say I need somebody to ladybird this for me.

I don’t follow what’s happened with the testing and I don’t know if it’s failed or not.


Thanks. I’ll drive on so.

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Well I disagree, and I don’t really know what you’re suggesting here. If the test was giving false negatives, we would have ran into issues by now and know about it as @gilgamboa mentioned