Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Is the potential issue here with the testing referrals the following two points:

  • the referral from the GP and the test are free to patient
  • the GP is getting paid for every referral

Thereā€™s a virus doing the rounds.


I read earlier that 20k a day were seeking testing, that would be 200k tests a day in SK. They donā€™t even have 400k tests. Something has to give lads.

The numbers are fucking with my head

The Micks are hypochondriacs.

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Most of the soccer players that got it seem to have no symptoms, and I think its generally been assumed that you canā€™t get it twice?

Someone with good immune system might get a nasty dose of it, or may not. The younger the better it would seemā€¦ And presently, it looks like you will be immune to it after it passes on.

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Are there any neutral posters here who donā€™t just say everything the govt do is good and vice versa? Itā€™s harder and harder to wade through tit for tat shite trying to find out whatā€™s actuslly going on. I might have to actually start reading an actual new source! :anguished:

The testing has done exactly what it was supposed to, but unfortunately it is now being overwhelmed by hypochondriacs referred by money hungry GPs.

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So that leaves my other hypothesis that the virus simply isnt as prevalent here, for some reason

My life partner told me that one of the first people to bring it back from northern Italy was a healthcare worker and insisted/ensured that her skiing group were tested in the early phase of it. Some of those folk were found to have it without displaying any symptoms. I havenā€™t seen this mentioned elsewhere. She may have made it up.

That rate is estimated though.

Itā€™s almost certainly between 2-3

Ye are all mad as brushes

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Roaster Limerick blueshirt on TV3 here

The fella from Clare who spread it initially and was a doctor on the A&E allegedly was tested before he went back to work.

They wont say it either but the testing becoming more difficult to access is definitely linked to the roll out of the increased sickness benefit which is almost self certification if you have a test pending

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No there was a lad on Joe Duffy last week who came back from Italy with a large group . They were tested. He had no symptoms but tested positive

Maybe alcoholism & covid19 donā€™t go together?

Myself and thatā€™s about it. Iā€™ve been complimentary of the government when it was warranted and savaged them when they deserved it.

Thereā€™s been a pattern on these threads where Iā€™ve been an early mover in terms of those criticisms and have been met with a backlash each time, before my criticisms very quickly become accepted wisdom.