Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Open the cunting pubs


Possibly as many as 75% of people who have it will have no symptoms according to a study from Italy

Maybe so buts itā€™s a good thing overall really. People here are and have been hyper aware & by and large practicing the advice of the public health experts.

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Sitting beside a GP here, Iā€™d say I donā€™t think thatā€™s the issue.

The main problem is that the symptoms are so similar to a wide range of issues, on top of which most of the assessment is being done remotely by phone so even harder to verify.

So you have a worried patient base (and motivated to do the right thing by getting tested) in combination with symptoms which are fairly common.

But I would say that wouldnā€™t I


Interesting that our resident Italian @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy seemingly had no idea of this

Lads, can you not just agree, either most people have had it already or hardly anyone has it.

Iā€™d say he was more preoccupied with watching his people die.

Youā€™re a right horrible cunt

A fella on Facebook said he had it before Christmas.


I donā€™t read La Repubblica.

Calm down Bridie

Correct of the Chinagh 4 allegedly only 1 showed symptoms but all tested positive

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So there are:

  1. lads that have it and donā€™t think they have it (wandering around the place);

  2. lads that donā€™t have it and think they have it (self-isolating); and

  3. lads that want to have it, clogging up the system and out walking their dogs (@Thomas_Brady)

And the testers donā€™t know who they want to test.


Iā€™ve no idea I agree, head is certainly melted by it!


Iā€™ll say this once. We rang to get an antibiotic for my Mrsā€™ throat and ended up on the testing list. Take it up with the HSE you prick.

This yoke must be losing traction as this thread has veered into tye standard TFK mode of lads hurling abuse at each other. So thatā€™s a positive all round :clap:


The government have not been perfect, far from it, but they are doing their best in impossible circumstances and following best medical advice (which is more than can be said for other countries). Unfortunately best medical advice is changing rapidly as the situation is unprecedented and we donā€™t know half enough about the virus, never mind the best ways to contain it.
Anyone criticising the government over its handling is being irrational. They are doing the best they can.

However. The health system here is in a shambles, the number of ICU beds we have per head of population is a disgrace. The reason we are having so much trouble ramping up testing is weā€™ve out sourced everything etc etc etc. Hospitals are understaffed and the system has no redundancy. All of these are valid criticisms of this and previous governments


Lists seem to be great way to get handy likes. People like lists.


Roll on tomorrow and we have estrogen starved bitches like @balbec celebrating another 241 confirmed cases.

Go shit in your hat you needy cunt.