Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I have very little sympathy for them. They had ample warning about this and were too arrogant to take the necessary measures.

Seeing a load of gardai being sworn in with a Fine Gael taoiseach and doing their manoeuvres with the president signing a bill to effectively make us a police state would usually make me break out in a sweat.

Now, its reassuring

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Not harsh enough! I’m just waiting to catch one in the act. Then I’m fixing to torture that knack to death in my garage over a two week period. :facepunch::hocho::hammer::smoking::chains:

Some of them barely had the time to learn the manoeuvres I’d say, only in a couple of weeks

FG weirdos aren’t much different from FF, SF, Soc Dem weirdos etc

The typical burglar ethnic group I would agree

Poor cunts will be fucked into the middle of it while the auld lads will get their speed guns back.

The poor fuckers. They have my respect.

Why do so many in your estate drive to work?

I’ve a tap in there but I’ll leave you be

Because there is fuck all public transport and what transport there is barely turns up.

Never came across a young ffer I always assumed you had to serve your time being a shitster greasing hands and appear on election posters in your forties with a slick comb over

I’m not defending the UK government call on this. I really cannot stand the tory tramps. I think they’ve called it wrong but pray they’ve called it right. What i find strange is your attitude. If this hits Britain big style it will kill so many of your fellow country men. These are people who had to emigrate in the 50’s and 60’s through necessity. They didn’t have the option of staying in their home country which you did. Fuck em is so sad.


there’s hundreds of thousands of us here, so disappointing to see what people at home think of us, we came for economic reasons mainly as Ireland could not provide for us, we have done out best sending money home and the likes, now we are going to die.


You run marathons so you should be fine unless u got the aids from that park bench incident?

Two interesting conversations had today.

First was with the brother around his young fella doing the leaving, all students getting 100% for the orals and he does music so 50% of his music is in the bag. But what happens when deaths start to mount up? What if a leaving cert student looses his/her father and grandmother to this thing? How can you expect to do an archaic exam that has ramifications for the rest of your life.

Second was with a college colleague of mine. She works in the HSE and spoke today in a meeting about morgue capacity and dealing with the situation when the bodies start piling up. Fuck sakes lads, this thing is coming like a train at us. Fuck bingo in the flats, we have to get real and respect social distancing and wash our fucking hands!


Stuff a roasters dream is made of

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Gin and Tonic lads.

There’s studies all over the place now on Hydroxychloroquinine, the anti-malarial drug, China, Korea, the UK and the US. It appears to inhibit many viruses, including corona viruses. A fascinating bit of evidence is that countries that have a high incidence of malaria, whose populations have been dosed with quinine, have almost no cases of serious illness or deaths from COVID-19. So far at least, COVID-19 is where malaria is not.


Whiskey? I miss the whiskey. Any excuse