Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Best regards to the mutt

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The testing that needs to be done urgently is testing a representative sample of the public to see how many have antibodies to SARS-2s, which would tell us if the Oxford group are right or not. If we can test monkeys we can surely test people.

Do you have a medical qualification mate?

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Heā€™s medically certified.


Why mate, is it a requirement to post on this thread?

Itā€™s what the Oxford researchers are calling for
in fairness.

An understanding of the numbers infected thus far helps every scenario though.

How can the UK track test results through?

Itā€™s sort of important to know if we are at the beginning stages of this outbreak or towards the end.

Be back in business for the Easter Bank Holiday :pint:

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He wasnā€™t tested he rang the information line and was told he was good to go

Climate seems to have a big impact on this virus.

The death rate in Italy is almost 10% whereas in places like Iceland and Finland itā€™s 0.5%

It is when you make definite comments like you did above.

Shouldnā€™t the italians have more vitD from the sun

We looked forward on another thread, but what about the past.

What would have happened in the 1990s if this has happened? We had globalisation. We had quick communication. We didnā€™t have the mass presence of the internet though.

Would we have just rode through this with coffins piling up?

If Africa get a bad run of it , it could be catastrophic

You donā€™t think it would be valuable to know whether a large number or even a majority of people have been infected already?

I get that, but either way itā€™s helpful to know the % hit so far, even if itā€™s low. Itā€™s a win win.

I was never in Nancyā€™s at the same time as you.

How do you know that?

I would have sensed your smugness.

Iā€™m a master of disguise.