Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Heā€™s a worse dose than any fucking virus.

You do understand that we are very linked to what happens in the UK? Economically and otherwise. There are a lot of Irish people dependant on the UK economy through trade or labour.

We are also very linked to what happens in the USA through the multinationals, to the tune of probably 250k directly employed, so what they do or donā€™t do is newsworthy also

We are probably culturally more linked to them than any two countries on earth in fairness. Given they formerly ruled us and still control a portion of our country its hardly hugely surprising.

New Zealand paid 12 weeks welfare to everyone and are shutting completely down

Jake the muss will be heavy on the hooch with that lump sumā€¦

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Donā€™t be so sensational, Gary Neville organised this !

Serious bizness.

I find it a bit Irish that my gaa club is in lockdown and most likely no matches, facilities etc available for a couple of months yet they are still charging membership and imploring members to pay on time.

What age was she?

They need your support more than ever now, bucko


Itā€™s a bit GAA is what it is. A wanker of a way to go about things.

I read somewhere that COVID-19 hasnā€™t had much of an impact in Beijing. Yet itā€™s in every country in the world.

The name is Corr, Jim Corr.


They are closed up. I assume that affiliate fees/competition fees etc will be cut as no way the full leagues and championship will be played.

I have no issue paying it but I would rather they send an email explaining their plight rather than just telling everyone membership is due. A lot of people struggling to get by. It could easily be held off til the club is back active

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Same with Golf Clubs now emailing daily looking for Membership payment.

All paid already.

The GAA informed clubs to seek the membership so as to be ready to go when the hammer drops.

Clare or Dublin?

Poor form. Youā€™d think they freeze it for a while or at least make an attempt to explain what they planning to do as a club to help people during the crisis. I see Monaleen and many other clubs have sent a message out to the elderly in the community that theyā€™ve members willing to run a few messages for them etc

How much is the membership? Its one thing that has really skyrocketed in terms of price in recent years although my club is still fairly reasonable

The GAA closed all grounds yesterday, theyā€™re pretty much tying the hands of the GAA club to do much currently. Plenty of Clubs have made those offers. In rural areas especially people know where to come for help.

Dublin -175 a year

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Yup, but Iā€™m more interested in how other countries are tackling a virus right now rather than jobs, rather than ā€œWell, Boris said this, and Boris did thatā€. Right now, jobs donā€™t matter. Right now.
We know Boris and Donald fucked up. I am directly affected by what the UK and US does for my job, or lack of it currently, but wouldnā€™t be arsed looking to see what they are not doing about stopping a virus.

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