Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

More on your line to read more than beyond page 3 of The Sunā€¦

I hadnā€™t paid cahir thank God

Do you want a customised national news feed that just suits you, you dumb fuck?

Treating it like itā€™s the World Cup, with the foregone conclusion the Germans are going to win.

Of all the numbers being thrown around, the statistic that matters most are the number of deaths and more specifically the number of deaths per 100,000 population. The reality is this virus was sweeping across the globe since mid January and maybe earlier.

As of today thatā€™s: Italy 12.4 Spain 7.8 France 2.0 UK 0.7 US 0.3 S Korea 0.2 Ireland 0.2.


We might as well rejoin the UK.

What they have been doing is hoarding medical equipment, preventing it from being exported to other EU countries.

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As cheap as it is I wouldnā€™t pay it as itā€™s a disaster during winter months there.

Iā€™d be more likely to get a hospital bed if it came to it.

Toddler along soā€¦


I pay it for the gui card. Play it 6 times a year max. I join fota academy then and get access to the best 9 holes in cork

714 cases in Wales with 28 deaths. Thatā€™s about half the number of cases as here with 4 times the deaths. I donā€™t understand these numbers at all.

I was wondering would it be down to coal mining ???

He was in his late 50ā€™s

This canā€™t be emphasized enough. The countries that are handing this best imo are the countries that have the best medical facilities for dealing with infectious diseases. This is a highly contagious disease, you can see that from the number of health care workers being infected and they would be more aware of the danger than the general public. Whatā€™s the stat in Ireland, 25% of those infected are health care workers?

When we look back on this, it is going to be an appalling vista. For now we just have to soldier on, learn as we go and do the best we can.

In my day only the bad players paid membership ā€¦unless you were unfortunate enough to get injured then youā€™d back date payment to cover physio ā€¦

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And Irelandā€™s % is only going to rise if the focus of testing is solely on the most ill ā€” Thatā€™s why Italy is so high also ā€¦ Korea and Germany are low because of the wide-scale testing that we tried to emulate, but cant. Youā€™ll then have panic when Irelandā€™s death rate rises as a result, people simply dont understand the relevance of different testing practices.

They say if you dont learn the lessons of history then itā€™s doomed to repeat itself. Mr Dr. Holohan presided over the cervical check testing in Ireland, and went down the path of re-testing every woman who had results over a certain period and the demand was such that the backlog was too much to handle. He got serious flack for that. So much youā€™d assume heā€™d learn to never let it happen again youā€™d imagine ā€¦ Ireland had to abandon their testing policy as he widened the net too far and now the backlog has meant that we will only be focusing on the sickest of people - which is fair enough given where we are now at - but in one swoop, himself and Leo have killed a greater percentage of the covid carrying Irish population.

No, rubby

A completely flawed argument. Why is the US at 0.3 (actually 0.32 compared to Germanyā€™s 0.25) when literally no testing was done up to a few weeks ago? Korea is at 0.24, not that different. Large scale testing helped in the early days by identifying where hot spots were developing, and continues to help in this regard. We were being told a few weeks ago that Italy was doing well because they were testing so many, doesnā€™t really look that way now does it.

The virus doesnā€™t care about testing, it spread everywhere unchecked during mid January to early March. It didnā€™t decide to go to Spain for itā€™s holidays and skip the UK or Ireland for a while due to the rain. We have no idea how many were infected, itā€™s basically speculation unless we were to test huge numbers and no country has the capacity to do that. All we can do now is try and slow down the spread and put the right resources in the right places to deal with those who are very sick.

I wouldnt dare guess with what America were initially doing or are possibly still doing - are they assigning cause of death to covid or underlying issues? Iā€™m not a anti/pro Trump antagonizer, but you wouldnt put it past him to ask for numbers to be skewed for a number of reasons - Iā€™d wager thereā€™s an element of this going on in some countries so I dont know if we can even fully trust death rates ā€¦ Also, it seems to have exploded in US only in the last 10 days so itā€™s very early to get a read on whatā€™s truly happening there.

ICU patients it seems is the only number we can trust currently.