Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Hilarious the way this eejit throws in random numbers without even explaining what they mean or a source.

The US has completely failed on testing and had to go cap in hand to Italy for its testing kits.

Now they’re completely failing in their duty to provide medical equipment because Trump refuses to activate the Defence Production Act. Trump wants millions to die, end times cultists have always had that fantasy because they believe they can exercise dictatorial powers more easily in a depopulated world.

The Micks want change.


America ran out of tests as their head man initially said it was a hoax and they weren’t prepared. Supposedly our top guy has taken it very seriously yet we have no protective equipment for our front line staff. Not to worry - I’m sure another movie or tv show quote will shield them from the effects of the virus.

They didn’t have any tests in the first place because they rejected the WHO one.

As regards Ireland’s situation, it doesn’t look good.

They’re getting a national round of applause at 8pm.
I’m sure they’d prefer ppe


Nobody was prepared mate, other than Singapore, Hong Kong and Korea who learned from SARS. Everyone assumed China would contain this, believed the WHO who said it wasn’t infectious, and meanwhile the virus was spreading like wildfire.

The most damning piece of evidence is the fact that the genome of the SARS-2 virus was sequenced and published as early as January 1 by Chinese scientists, and confirmed January 7 from a case in Thailand, evidence it had spread outside China. A scientist in Seattle studied the genome and was warning of a pandemic as early as January 20th, 6 weeks before the WHO awoke from slumber and declared a pandemic. By then it was everywhere and essentially unstoppable, from that point on we were all in suppression mode and dealing with the sick as best we could.

It’s been a monumental failure all around. Yes, Trump is a cunt and Boris is a cunt, but those tasked with identifying potential pandemics and responding to an outbreak like this completely failed. We have been modelling for decades how this could unfold, and when it came to the test we failed. It’s a little bit like 9/11, all the evidence was there in front of us and we didn’t react to it.

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Boucher Hayes is coming across as an awful ball bag in this crisis.


Now that you are not self isolating go for that walk.

That’s hilarious, you’ve been eulogising America’s CDC for the last month, now you say they’re useless.

To be fair I suppose those tasked with identifying and preparing for future pandemics did end up being useless when they were all fired for no reason by Trump.

A lot of club fundraising is fucked at the moment anyway you should’ve had your membership paid ages ago. Player insurance has been paid out by clubs already as far as I know .

The economy took precedent in nearly every western country — They failed to act as the worry of finance took front stage until they realized what was really happening … That’s where the lessons need learning.

Of course economies are important but life should be first and foremost.

He is one of those journalists whose dopamine receptors are sparked by Twitter likes and retweets.

Very important not to disturb the official narrative lest somebody on the internet calls you “a ball bag”.

I see you’re doing that thing you always do when you don’t have an answer.

Well it was the HSE that requested the round of applause in fairness

I agree with that, and the government that was most guilty in that respect was China, by far. But that isn’t the main reason western governments failed to act. They failed to act because they didn’t think the threat was serious until it was too late.

The only way this could have been averted is if the pathogen was identified early, studied and the area where the outbreak happened completely isolated, with nobody allowed leave. Not alone was it identified early, it was fully sequenced by January 1, at which point scientists who were paying attention knew what we were dealing with. Unfortunately they weren’t listened to.

Why is there such resistance to the truth here? China hid this outbreak for two months (the first case was Nov 17), muzzled anyone who spoke up, wouldn’t allow the CDC in to study it (the body that stopped the Ebola outbreak in 2014), and convinced the WHO it wasn’t infectious. Allowed 5 million leave Wuhan in mid January and hundreds of millions travel in late January.

But Trump, Boris, something, something.

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Poor @labane1917’s feelings get terribly hurt every time Trump is criticised. He loves him. :smile:

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There’s a separate thread for the US/UK response isn’t there?


China and their various enablers are now going full scale on the saviours of the world thing.

There’s only one poster who constantly brings up the US/Trump and UK/Boris in this (and every) thread, and he should be banned for the sake of his own sanity.

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