Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Poor @anon7035031 can never hide his totalitarian nature.

China has serious questions to answer after this — we simply cant sit around and wait for the next virus to explode. But, dont you know the economy wars will just go back to the top of the agenda and there will be fuck all changed on the political front.


Adjusted for accuracy purposes.

If this doesn’t drive change nothing will. China needs to be held accountable, but I’m not sure western governments have the balls to do so, and international bodies like the UN and WHO are as useful as tits on a bull.

You can see China’s response already, the official line is that the US government developed this virus in a lab and planted it in Wuhan. That’s not some nutter on the Internet, that’s high ranking Chinese officials.

The CCP are the greatest threat to global heath and have been for decades, this was a ticking time bomb and has now gone off.

I said that yesterday’s English death figure shouldn’t be believed.

Some reports also that they are only going to disclose deaths in cases where next of kin give permission to do so.

Really? Wow!

Satellite monitor them from here on in and drone bomb any wet markets with the intention of killing everybody at the market. Going to the market will be a death sentence so they will stop having them. Problem sorted.


China has just banned all foreigners from entry, including those with valid visas and residency permits.

This is the same China who responded to other countries banning travel from China as spreading panic.

I wonder will this be described by the WHO as xenophobic and racist?

If the CCP wanted to shut down wet markets, they could do it in a week.

Yeah, better we give the cunts nothing. Its their job after all. Do we applaud the postman for delivering a letter? You’re dead right.

By God :smile:


They got their positive PR though

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Some statement alright.

It’s all going to kick off now. They’ve cancelled the pride parade.

At least someone got the joke.

I’m not wrong tho :smiley:

Relax, that is a great move considering they are trying to halt the virus.

Its all about optics with this government. In a time of crisis they bring milk and cookies.