Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The balmy weather is definitely contributing to a sense of corona fatigue. Was ambling about the town here today and yesterday and thereā€™s plenty people knocking about. How much damage you can really do from walking past someone on the street I donā€™t know, but itā€™s far from a ghost town.

On the flipside thereā€™s only a handful of businesses open. Got a couple of bags of chips last night to bulk up a fry (a proper nourishing meal) and there was a lad at the door of the chipper taking orders and only admitting entrance once the orders were ready. These are bizarre times indeed.

It does. RIP to all the deceased


Jesus no, I was in the Supermarket on Sunday and there was half a dozen pottering around the shop, no gloves no nothing. I suppose when you hit 80 every day after is a win and fear of death goes out the window.


I heard an awful story yesterday about an elderly
lady in hospital. Friend is a nurse who went in to her to check on whatever they check on. Lady was dying from another condition but no family there. Nurse went in and old lady had died.

Very very sad. Grief must be heightened for families.

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Iā€™m sending that to Leo


It might be for you. Iā€™m sure if you were close to the door you wouldnt like hearing that.

If I was close to the door Iā€™d want family close by me while I drew my breath. THAT is the real tragedy here.

Where I ended up afterwards would matter fuck all to me.


While out for my perambulation today I saw a fella pushing a buggy, the child threw something out of the buggy, and as you do the woman behind him called him to let him know, bent over to pick it up for him and then recoiled in fear and was like ā€œJesus Iā€™m so sorry, I didnā€™t touch it, I wasnā€™t thinkingā€

A bizarre world


Weā€™ll have to consciously denormalize this shit when we get clear of this

Iā€™m never washing my hands again once this is done.


My small one is the handwashing monitor here. Weā€™ve her told so much about it, sheā€™s now catching us if we slip up.

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I agree.

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Would 10 deaths not do that?

Youā€™d fucking hope so alright. I suppose the thing with this temporary morgue is the word would get out one way or another. Theyā€™re probably scrambling around trying to figure what info to give and what to withold.

I dunno. My head is in a spin this evening. I will not rest easy tonight.

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Dr Tony is displaying great patience daily with some of those journalists


very sad, and more bad news to come on the nursing front before we out of this

Our fifteen month old has got the handwashing down the last week or two. She gets a right kick out of it. Puts the hand out for the squeeze of soap


That fucking bowled me over. I was gone stupid from looking at numbers. Thatā€™s straightened me up :sleepy: