Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

10 deaths with a median age of 79 probably isn’t going to scare young people. Young people don’t watch the news either though

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It’s young men that I see thumbing their noses at this, still going around in groups, kicking balls around the field in Mary I when the cunts wouldn’t kick a ball any other time, the useless fuckers,
I’m trying to imagine myself at that age, would I have been that selfish, I really don’t think so


I’d have got bate back in the door

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Control the controlables lads. After that there’s no point in stressing yourselves.


Young fellas are young fellas, bullet proof and probably don’t really understand or want to. Their parents are the problem

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Don’t want to sound racist but all the foreign lads seem to be going around in groups aswell.

I saw two youngfellas in the woods we were in today for our daily exercise absolutely langersed and roaring and shouting. They can’t have been more than 16. This was before lunchtime

How do you know they’re foreign?


People were never going to take lockdown seriously until large numbers started dying, this is just an unfortunate truth


Wearing Liverpool jerseys


Some people. It’s sad that you’re right.
Some people won’t even do it when the surge comes.

There’ll be a cure for the virus before theres a cure for ignorance

Not the time or place for footix related point scoring mate. Keep that to the EPL/ Liverpool threads please

I’m monitoring this faux sympathy closely. There are varying views but from drilling down into some of the replies I have deduced that many of these sympathisers wouldn’t attend the funeral anyway. Then there are those who must be Saints such are the levels of soundness. These may/may not have been the greatest cunts of all time.
It’s an interesting exercise watching acquaintances outdo each other with flowery eulogies.


Yes. Tonight should be very sobering for a lot of people.

Thought this Italian in the tux was Daniel Day Lewis for a minute

Is there any posts along the lines of;

I actually never knew this person, but I used to work with her son years ago, to be honest I was borderline on whether I was going to go to the funeral or not, but I said fuck it I’ll feel awkward if I meet the cunt in the pub in a few months and haven’t gone. I wouldn’t know whether to acknowledge it or not so tis easier get it out of the way now and be done with it.
Anyway RIP. Mary was it?

Not quite the terminology but you’re nailing the general idea. Incredible shit really.

But these fuckers Facebook has jumped in on the act. Silly cunts writing obituaries and firing in emojis of dart-boards and fishing rods and whatnot. Appalling but funny when you know some of the daft bastards posting.

Rip Pady, u were gud man. Sorry to Mary an famly . :tractor: :snowman:


I’m telling ye lads. The Chinese have bio engineered a communist virus.

[quote=“Boxtyeater, post:3831, topic:30759, full:true”]
Not quite the terminology but you’re nailing the general idea. Incredible shit really.

But these fuckers Facebook has jumped in on the act. Silly cunts writing obituaries and firing in emojis of dart-boards and fishing rods and whatnot. Appalling but funny when you know some of the daft bastards posting.

Rip Pady, u were gud man. Sorry to Mary an famly . :tractor: :snowman:
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