Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Are we looking at more draconian measures by the weekend?

Doubt it. The numbers, while terrible obviously for those concerned, are still fairly good.

Iā€™m not ready to listen to these economist gimps talking about the economy, especially that shill from IBEC.

Iā€™ll only listen to the ESRI.


I donā€™t think so.

I think today was an outlier. A terrible one.

Unfortunately we just donā€™t know that yet.
Iā€™d be strongly hopeful it is, but this was always going to be the critical week and itā€™s a bad omen.

MCW has had a few tonight

To go from 37 in icu to 10 deaths is some jump in one day.

I have decided to believe that we are much further along in this than everyone thinks. Itā€™s most likely wishful thinking but itā€™s getting me through the week.

Thereā€™ll be an unmerciful session the May bank holiday weekend


Weā€™ve had a good few outliers recently.

Ah jaysus mate, let me have a small bit of hope.

The ESRI came out with some captain obvious stuff today.

Cv will have a negative impact on the economy apparently.


Iā€™m just hoping I donā€™t have to go to Charleville again next week

Shur Anne and Joe had it before Christmas so it has been here months.

Iā€™m telling ye I had it in February. Very mild like, but Iā€™d a right cough

Youā€™ve had a good read on this from the start and have spotted stuff before most others. How do you see things going for Ireland as things stand?

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Ah for ffssake. Will you stop.


Yes mid April we see tapering off gone by end of April gradual back to normality by early May and pubs open by the end of May

Heā€™s the go to guy for socio-political issues on the forum. Himself and @anon78624367 have had a tour de France on this thread from the off.

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I reckon it all started on August 19th 2018 around 5pm

Corona fatigue setting in. Matt Cooper has Davy Fitz with some words of hope for the nation next.

Ffs sake